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Leaked Script From the Mid-Season Premiere of 'The Walking Dead'

by Gary H. Miller

After a couple months without it, AMC's "The Walking Dead" returns this Sunday, February 10. But if you're like us, you're so impatient that you want to know what happens in the next episode right now. Well, lucky for you, a script of the first few scenes from the mid-season opener has leaked online. No need to worry about spoilers, though. If you don't catch on to why that is shortly into reading it, you're probably just about as dumb as a walker.

AMC, The Walking Dead. leaked script

AMC, The Walking Dead. leaked script

AMC, The Walking Dead. leaked script

AMC, The Walking Dead. leaked scriptAMC, The Walking Dead. leaked script

AMC, The Walking Dead. leaked script


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The Deadliest Plants in the World



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This Week's Most Inappropriately Hilarious Tweets



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11 Crazy National Enquirer Stories That Turned Out to Be True



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Ask a Girl: What's The Worst Thing You Can Do on a First Date?

Our friends over at StyleList want to help you out. So, instead of just assuming you know everything a woman desires, why don't you listen to the editors at the premiere fashion site on the Web and make sure you are doing the right thing when it comes to the opposite sex. This week: the do's and don'ts of a first date.

first date dos and don'ts

Every first date comes with a few jitters, for guys and girls alike. Will there be enough to talk about? Am I talking too much? Wait, did I really just talk about my about my "US Weekly" subscription/compulsive juicing habit/love of cats for twenty minutes?

Yikes. We've made a few slip-ups here and there in the dating arena, so most ladies are understanding of the occasional first date mishap. But guys, listen up: If you want to impress us, there's nothing worse than going out on a date, only to witness a suitor make one of the following tragic mistakes that will turn a girl off faster than calling her "dude."

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, it's the optimal time to get a little refresher on basic dating etiquette. So if you have a romantic first date looming on the horizon, here are seven things you'll want to avoid to up your chances for round two.

Talk About Your Ex
We're not dummies - we know she exists. But does that mean we want to hear about her? Uh ... that's a big fat NO. Even if you're trash-talking, no girl wants to hear about the other woman who was in your life.

"Forget" Your Wallet
We can only hope a man would never do something as irresponsible as leave his credit cards at home, but this also plays into the unattractiveness of a man not even offering to split the bill. We're not saying the guy needs to pick up the whole check, but having a girl pick up the tab on a first date is a sure-fire way to say, "I'm cheap, I'm not that into you, and I don't know how to treat a lady."

Check Your Cell Phone
We love a good group chat, too, but it's pretty unsexy to have a guy not give you his full attention. It's a first date, which means first impressions are made. Take the time to put your iPhone or work Blackberry down for an hour or two and make a girl feel special with your utmost attention. When she goes to the bathroom to re-apply her lip gloss, you can take a sneak peek at the stock market, SnapChat your bros, or whatever it is that is so important.

Be Too "Touchy-feely"
As much as we want to know you're feeling a connection and are attracted to us, we're not running a petting zoo over here. Being too aggressive with your hands can not only make a girl uncomfortable, but also you could cause her to get real defensive, real fast.

Watch the Game on Bar TVs
If we're nice enough to let you take us to a sports bar for a first date, do us a courtesy and don't watch the game the entire time. Even if your team is one slap-shot away from the Stanley Cup, it'll be completely obvious that you only brought us to the bar to watch the game. Instead, you may find yourself one slap-shot away from not getting a second date.

Drink Too Much
Was it a rough day on the trading floor? Are you intimidated by our good looks and charm? Whatever the reason is, when you're 8 drinks deep and slurring your words, you become a loose cannon. As much as you might think we don't realize how wasted you are, we totally do.

Have Bad Breath
As Kevin Malone once said about his brother Buzz's girlfriend, "Woof!" Just, "Woof." Forget it! Game over. Bad breath is not only a sign of laziness, but poor hygiene. You can kiss that post-date smooch sayonara, sucker.


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Photoshopping Dads to Be Really Small in Family Photos Sure Is Fun

Sometimes a beautiful thing can come from a bored Photoshop genius. Small Dads is one of those times. Redditor afdlips posted an album full of family photos doctored so that the dad is miniscule in comparison to the rest of his family. The results are oddly mesmerizing.

small dadssmall dadssmall dadssmall dads

small dadssmall dads

Images via Imgur


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Kristina Liliana Matthaus Is Your Sexy WAG for the Weekend



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Classic Video Game Characters Meet the Real World

Aled Lewis is a designer, illustrator and author from London, England, and like many of us he is also a life-long gamer with an affinity for the classic video games. So, he created a mash-up of the video game characters and real photographic scenes to express how we saw those worlds as kids growing up playing them. The results are very enjoyable. See if you can name them all (answers at the bottom, via Behance).

sonic the hedgehog, video games real lifebowser, mario kart, video games real lifeSkiFree, abonimable snow monster, video games real lifeecco the dolphin, video games real lifelink, legend of zelda, video games real lifeE. Honda, street fighter, video games real lifeLittle Mac, Punch-Out, video games real lifeduck hunt dog, video games real lifeExcitebike, video games real lifedonkey kong, video games real lifedouble dragon, video games real lifelemmings, video games real life

Answers: Sonic the Hedgehog, Bowser from Mario Kart, Abominable Snow Monster from SkiFree, Ecco the Dolphin, Link from The Legend of Zelda, E. Honda from Street Fighter, Little Mac from Punch-Out!!, Duck Hunt dog, Excitebike, Donkey Kong, Double Dragon, Lemmings


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Cat With Face Stuck In Yogurt Cup Is A Great Way To Start Your Weekend


This chubby cat will be damned if he's going to let any food go to waste. Watch as he suffers the hilarious consequences of trying to get every last bit of yogurt out of a tiny cup.


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Go Ahead and Staré at Jessica Paré



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It's Amazing What Panoramic Cameras Can Do These Days


Technology has come a long, long way. I remember the days when panoramic cameras would take photos and totally cut off that cat with the bread on its face, leaving you only with the rustic images of nature. And nobody wants that.


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Watch Two Men Videotape Themselves Sneaking Into The Super Bowl


This footage is totally insane. It will also make you question everything you know about Super Bowl security - and big event security in general. Two Savannah State students didn't only have the stones to try to sneak into the Super Bowl to catch Beyonce's halftime show, they decided it was a good idea to videotape what happened. The above clip shows how they pulled it off.

Getting into America's biggest sporting event of the year without any credentials looks way easier than you'd imagine. After some introductory clips from the local news talking about how tight security is and a couple of build up scenes of the duo driving to the game, the guys get to the outer edge of security around the 2:30 mark. From there, it's totally ridiculous how easily these guys infiltrate the Super Dome. The pair's most effective moves involve no more than simply asking security to open doors and move barricades for them. At one point, one of them even questions out loud how they haven't been stopped yet.

Apparently, there's more footage and the two guys plan on releasing a full-length documentary on their experience.

H/T to Deadspin, video via Savannah Now

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Live Condor Gets Loose At Hockey Game


Let's face it. We really don't pay all that much attention to hockey in America. But maybe we would if incidents like this happened more often. During the national anthem at the Bakersfield Condors game, a live condor got away from its handler and hilarity ensued. There are few things as entertaining as someone trying to chase down an over-sized bird on ice.


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Cat Liveblogs Typical Saturday With Bachelor Owner


cat diaryFor those of you out there who are lucky enough to still be single, Saturdays are like no other day in the week. You can sleep in knowing the week is behind you and the entire weekend is in front of you. Unless you own a cat. Then you're probably constantly under attack whether it's for food, affection or because he just knocked something over for the 11th god damned time. Just understand that it's not necessarily a picnic for the cat, either. This live blog will shed new light on what your furry friend is going through every Saturday.

6:13 AM: Just finished my morning laps. Only knocked 8 things off the dresser this time. (New personal low!)

6:20 AM: Totally wiped out. Time for a nap on my human servant's face.

10 AM: Starving. Human servant still sleeping despite my use of the "Stick My Anus On His Face" wake up technique.

10:43 AM: Time for first asshole licking of the day.

10:44 AM: Time to lick human servant's face.

11:17 AM: Still not waking up. Maybe if I tap his face with my claws...

11:18 AM: Just got thrown across the room.

11:24 AM: Sifting around my litter as loudly as possible for as long as possible.

11:36 AM: Getting sleepy aga -

11:37 AM: Sorry, had to sprint under the bed. Thought I heard something.

12:13 PM: I wonder if my human servant forgot how hungry I am. I should probably walk over the most sensitive areas of his shins.

12:20 PM: Sure am hungry. Maybe screaming at the top of my lungs like somebody is feeding my tail into a wood chipper would better get my point across.

12:48 PM: Human servant finally awake.

12:53 PM: Just helped human servant walk to the bathroom by weaving in and out of his legs after each step.

1:10 PM: Ah, breakfast. Finally.

1:11 PM: Just threw up on the comforter.

1:13 PM: Getting sleepy.

2:25 PM: Woke up to my human servant wrestling with something in his pants. He looks pretty intense. I should probably stare at him to make sure he doesn't need my help.

2:33 PM: Human servant is asleep again. Time for a quick anus lick.

2:40 PM: Back to sleep.

3:28 PM: Human servant looks to be trying to do something important on his laptop. He probably needs me to sit on the keyboard.

4:13 PM: What's that bottle of Tylenol doing on the bedside table? Better go knock it onto the ground.

4:14 PM: That's better.

5:02 PM: Just sprinted across the apartment because I thought my life was in danger. It's OK though, it was just my human servant's cell phone ringing.

6:23 PM: Human servant calling me over to the couch. I better sit in the corner and ignore him.

7:45 PM: Must've dozed off there. Human servant petting me between the ears. That feels nice.

7:46 PM: Just bit human servant for petting me for too long.

8:03 PM: Dinner time. Not too hungry. I'll just nibble.

9:04 PM: Getting hungry again. Gonna gnaw on this headphone chord for a little while to fill me up.

11:48 PM: Bedtime for human servant. Looks like he's really comfortable.

11:49 PM - 6:20 AM: Non-stop pacing.


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Today's Funniest Photos 2-11-2013



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The 25 Greatest Signature Moves of Star Athletes



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They Said I Could Be Anything: Funny Meme Gallery



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25-Year-Old Soda Addict Loses All His Teeth

by Dina Spector

William Kennewell is just 25 years old. But there's something unusual about this young Australian: He already wears a full set of dentures.

The hotel worker had to have all of his teeth removed because they rotted from drinking too much soda, the self-professed cola addict tells Adelaide Now.

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Kennewell drank between six and eight liters of sugary sodas each day, which is equivalent to about 24 cans of the fizzy stuff in a 24-hour period!

There are 39 grams of sugar in one 12 oz can of coke, meaning Kennewell was bathing his teeth in more than 900 grams of sugar each day - not to mention consuming more than 3,000 calories a day in soda (shockingly, Kennewell doesn't look overweight from his picture on Adelaide).

Apart from health risks like obesity, cancer, and high blood pressure both the high sugar content and acidity in inherent in sodas have been shown to wear away at tooth enamel, the hard dental tissue that protects our teeth from tooth decay.

See Also: Watching The Biggest Loser Is Bad For You

Although we can't be sure of Kennewell's oral hygiene habits (we have to assume they weren't spectacular based on the evidence that he ignored dentists' warning to kick the soda habit and now has no teeth ), the harmful effects of soft drinks, especially after excessive and prolonged consumption, can't be ignored.

According to Adelaide, Australian researchers are now using Kennewell's story to rile up support for their campaign to place labels on soft drinks that warn about the risks of tooth decay.

via Business Insider

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Bree Williamson of 'Deception' in 10 Hot Photos



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The Real Reason Why Pope Benedict Quit

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