There are only three episodes of "Breaking Bad" left, and we know how bittersweet that is, but it's not going to stop us from making another round of brilliant predictions. Last week, two of us made predictions that were nearly perfect, so that means we're bound to get everything wrong this time around. We're still going to give it a shot, though. Here are our best guesses for what happens next on "Breaking Bad." Let us know what you think.
Hank Lives, Gomie Dies and Madrigal Comes Calling - Cory Jones
I know I predicted that Hank would die in last week's predictions (and I really thought I had nailed it until they cut to black), but there's no way they kill Hank now. If he was going to go down in the gun fight, they woul

Walt Saves Jesse From the Nazis - Sam White
You don't carry a machine gun for protection, you carry a machine gun for one final war. I predict that Gomez and Hank die in the firefight, the Nazis kidnap Walter and Jesse and force them to cook meth. Walter escapes, but then returns for one final battle (after the flash forwards) to save Jesse before taking the ricin himself.
Jesse Introduces Heisenberg to the World - Max Miller
My focus this week is on Jesse since they made it a point to show him slowly making his way out of the car during the shootout. He knows Todd and Co. were there for him, so he'll use the shootout as a diversion and make his escape. Without Hank around to be on his side after this, and since he pretty much saw to it that Walt won't be either, the only way Jesse can protect himself is by making sure as many people as possible know who Walter White actually is, what he has done, and what he's capable of. This would drive most of the attention off him since Walt will now have to deal with a world that knows he is a murderous drug kingpin.
Jesse and Todd Face Off, and Walt Saves Everyone Else - Cory Dudak
Hank and Gomie are goners, sorry to say. Hank sealed his fate with his, "We did it; I love you" call to Marie. However, Uncle Jack and company won't kill Hank until they have a chance to question him and look at his recent phone calls, just to be sure he hasn't called for backup or anything. Once they see that he has only s

The Shootout Kills Hank, Gomie and Todd - Matt Branham
In a drawn-out desert scene, Gomez will die early, but Hank won't go down without a fight (but still will die). Marie will know it was Walt's fault when Hank doesn't return home and that will lead to her trying to kill Walt herself, but accidentally poisoning Skyler instead. I also believe she'll be the one to out Walt publicly after that point. Since the hit was on Jesse in the first place, Walt is the only one who can save him. Todd will also be killed in the shoot-out, creating a greater need for Walt's cooking skills for the operation to make money. I like to think Jesse will be the one to kill Todd somehow. Under the impression they need these two (Walt & Jesse) for more than just one cook now that Todd is gone, Walt refuses to hold up his end of the deal after they've killed Hank. When Uncle Jack realizes Walt's truly a family man, they'll use what's left of his family to get him to agree (enter machine gun from flash forward one). With Jesse hanging on by a thread, he'll finally find out about Jane's death, leading to the final face off where Walt, thinking he's got only one last easy obstacle to overcome, will use the ricin (flash forward two) against Jesse, only Jesse will finally outsmart him.
Gomez Dies, Hank and Jesse Live, Walt Goes "Kill Bill" on Todd and Company - Rob Fee
Gomez has to die. If this were "Dexter," Gomez would live and the final three episodes would be about him discussing breakfast foods' nutritional values with Walt Jr., but luckily it's not. He dies, as does a few of the assassins. Walt ends up saving Hank and Jesse which pisses off Todd and his uncle. They trash his house

Goodbye Gomie and Goodbye Marie - Lindsay Goldenberg
The desert shootout is going to leave Hank's partner, Steven Gomez, dead. Walt will make his way out of the van, and ask Todd's Nazi uncle to stop firing. Both Jesse and Hank will be forced to surrender, and Walt and the gang will kidnap them and take them to an undisclosed location until Walt figures out what to do. Marie is going to find out, and her and Skyler are going to get in a giant cat fight. Skyler will throw Marie down and cause her to hit her head, accidentally killing her. Walt Jr. will come in and see his dead aunt on the floor at that very moment, and the episode will end with him wondering what the f*ck is going on.
Walt Calls Saul, Saul Saves Walt, Saul Gets Killed - Gary Dudak
With the recent announcement that there will indeed be a Saul Goodman prequel spinoff, I think this is the perfect week for him to finally pay the price for all of his seedy deeds. My prediction is that Walt manages to escape the desert shootout, and realizing what has just happened is the worst thing ever, calls Saul to take advantage of his "cleaner guy" connection who can make him disappear and start a new life. Saul does this for Walt, much like he tried to do for Jesse, but once it has happened Uncle Jack shows up

Saul Calls His "Cleaner Guy" and Uses Him for His Own Escape - Paul Ulane
Since everyone has already covered just about every conceivable outcome of the shoot-out, I'd like to address my colleague above's prediction about Saul Goodman's future. While I admire Gary Dudak's photobombing skills, I do not believe he is nearly as talented when it comes to predicting the outcome of TV's most lovable sketchy lawyer since Lionel Hutz. The news leak about the Saul Goodman prequel this week is just a setup by Vince Gilligan to throw us off the scent. Every time we think we know what Gilligan is up to with the storyline in "Breaking Bad," he veers off in a completely different direction. This will be no different. Saul was totally shaken up like we've never seen him before in last week's episode. I think Huell will crack, put the battery back in his phone and call Saul to tell him that Jesse is dead (which Huell believes is true), confirming Saul's worst fears. This will lead to Saul panicking and calling his cleaner service to get the hell out of dodge. It's true Saul will leave the series this week, just not in a body bag (or disintegrating in a barrel full of acid, as it were).