Cocktail Recipe: Kilbeggan Autumn Elixir
It's getting cooler out there and pretty soon you'll be looking for a tasty cocktail to warm up with. Nothing can raise your body temperature quite like Irish whiskey and nobody knows how to mix drinks...
View ArticleMore 'Breaking Bad' Predictions Because We're on a Roll
There are only three episodes of "Breaking Bad" left, and we know how bittersweet that is, but it's not going to stop us from making another round of brilliant predictions. Last week, two of us made...
View ArticleJason Voorhees' Back-to-School Fashion Guide
1 of 10 Which styles will be hitting the hallways this year? In honor of Friday the 13th - and the release of Friday the 13th: The Complete Collection on Blu-ray - we have an exclusive peek into the...
View ArticleMiley Cyrus Riding Things Other Than The Wrecking Ball
1 of 21 Miley Cyrus seems to be staying in the news, as the outrage continues over her decision-making ability. This time everyone is upset because her new video "Wrecking Ball" features her just...
View ArticleToday's Funniest Photos 9-13-13
1 of 20 It's Friday the 13th. But that doesn't mean you should be too scared to click through today's funny photos. Just don't do it if you're a camp counselor and you just heard a strange noise in...
View ArticleThis Week's 20 Funniest Tweets
Twitter 1 of 20 Another week, another batch of the most hilarious tweets compiled just for you. Be sure to follow these guys and gals, and check back here every week for more jokes you can tell your...
View ArticleThisIsMarkTwain@AOL.com - Episode 2
What would happen if great American novelist Mark Twain had to work for a modern-day social media company? Would his old-timey tricks work in this day and age? Mandatory.com's new Web series,...
View ArticleUse LeftoverSwap App to Share Your Food With Strangers
Time for another episode of "APPtitude," our video series that highlights the apps you really need in your life. This week, host Kirby Kristen shows you all the features of LeftoverSwap, a food...
View ArticleTechnological Innovations: 10 Products Designed to Improve Our Lives
nest 1 of 10 Innovation is the one thing that keeps us moving forward while simultaneously utilizing the strengths of our past into a new, improved future. With all the hair recovery shampoos and...
View ArticleWhistleblowers Who Changed The World
Wikimedia Commons 1 of 10 Employees of organizations involved in unethical activities have a number of reasons to "blow the whistle" to the government, press, or both: material reward, a measure of...
View Article10 Crappy Comedies With Great Casts
Geektyrant 1 of 10 The saying goes that you are only as good as the company you keep. While that may be true of life in general, it doesn't quite speak to comedy. The fact is, you can toss as many...
View ArticleThese People Don't Seem To Be Aware of What Their T-Shirts Mean
1 of 10 It's either laundry day for these people or they have no idea what their t-shirts say. In both cases, I like their style. More Share on Tumblr Pin It Email to a friend 2 of 10 That sounds like...
View ArticleImportant Animal Anatomy Lesson
Don't say we never teach you anything. Via Jonno vs. The Internet Permalink | Email this | Comments
View ArticleA Gallery of Realistic Tattoos
Imgur 1 of 13 Let's be honest, most tattoos you see are garbage. Yes, we get it, you think that sleeve of a bunch of flowers mixed with a dragon mixed with a bunch of different colors tells a story,...
View ArticleToday's Funniest Photos 9-16-13
1 of 16 This bear pretty much sums up your Monday. If you find yourself stuck in a busted kiddie pool, turn your sad bear frown upside down and click through today's funny photos galleries. And be...
View ArticleSpooky Clown Wreaking Havoc On Strangers In UK Town
#fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-663662{display:none;} .cke_show_borders #fivemin-widget-blogsmith-image-663662, #postcontentcontainer...
View ArticleEmma K is 32E-asily One of England's Sexiest Glamour Models
1 of 10 To clarify, 32E is the bra size of the luscious Emma Kuziara, otherwise known best across the pond as simply Emma K. We're not sure what we did to even deserve such a stunningly gorgeous...
View ArticleA 'Breaking Bad' Update on Huell
In case you were wondering, Huell is still at the safe house, waiting for Hank and Gomie to get back. Poor Huell. Permalink | Email this | Comments
View ArticleBourbon of the Week: Knob Creek Smoked Maple
"Everything's better with bourbon." Knob Creek's founder Booker Noe lived by that phrase. At no time of the year is that more true than in the fall. Nothing compliments dropping temperatures and...
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