Today's Funniest Photos 9-10-13
1 of 21 Well, well, well. What do we have here? Oh, another hilarious gallery of jam packed LOL and ROFL photos? Cool. Also, follow us on Google+ right now. Seriously, it will be the best thing you do...
View ArticleAsk Mandatory: We Answer All Your Important Questions
Each week we answer your most important questions. And questions that aren't important at all. This week we tackle such pressing issues as "what to have for lunch today" and "cupcakes." Hard hitting...
View ArticleLand of Opportunity: Immigrants Who Have Made It Big In America
Wikimedia Commons 1 of 10 Among the many things that Congress is supposed to be working on (but isn't) is immigration reform. While it's possible that certain politicians have a point and everybody...
View ArticleSex Toys: A Provocative Look at the Billion Dollar Industry
Most everyone loves sex. And most everyone loves toys. So why does the subject of sex toys have to be taboo? It turns out that it doesn't. As this infographic illustrates, the use of "adult" products...
View ArticleJackie Chan's Facebook Page Is Truly Spectacular
One look at these photos and you will realize that we all need to be friends with Jackie Chan on Facebook. Via Tumblr Permalink | Email this | Comments
View ArticleCelebrities in Juggalo Makeup
AP Photo/John Carucci 1 of 21 In a perfect world, none of you would have any idea what the term "juggalo" meant. You wouldn't see that ridiculous clown makeup that looks like a combination of the...
View ArticleSuper-Sized Candy Will Make You Hungry (And a Little Sick)
1 of 7 There is a website called Pimp That Snack and they have created some of the most beautiful monstrosities the candy bar world has ever seen. Just looking at these photos might cause tooth decay,...
View ArticleToday's Funniest Photos 9-11-13
1 of 18 This is the exact same face you made this morning when you woke up and realized the week isn't over yet. It's a good thing you've got our funny photos to look forward to every day. Otherwise,...
View ArticleA Guide to Popular College Majors
by Matt Shirley 1 of 2 Long gone are the days where college students get jobs no matter what useless degree they earned. But that hasn't stopped us from earning useless degrees, anyway. More Share on...
View ArticleThisIsMarkTwain@AOL.com: Episode 1
What would happen if great American novelist Mark Twain had to work for a modern-day social media company? How would he, a man of such distinguished letters, keep his thoughtful musings to under 140...
View ArticleDownloaded: The Napster Documentary You Need to See
Downloaded, director Alex Winter's documentary recalls the groundbreaking launch of Napster and the legal battles that sank the company. Downloaded focuses on two teenage friends, Shawn Fanning and...
View ArticleThe Most Important Deleted Scenes Of All Time
surfdawg5/youtube 1 of 10 Moviemaking is a collaborative process, and sometimes the director of a film doesn't have final say in what goes on the screen and what ends up on the cutting room floor. The...
View Article20 Movies We Wish Were on Netflix
Columbia/Photofest 1 of 20 Among the thousands of movies on Netflix are numerous new releases, direct to video features, and indie gems that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. Despite all the...
View ArticleToday's Funniest Photos 9-12-13
1 of 22 Much like the toilet paper in this photo, the weekend is so close, yet so far away. Don't let it ruin your day, though. Just click through today's funny photos and leave your troubles in the...
View ArticleThe Most Tired and Overused Lines in Entertainment History
There are only so many words and ways to perfectly articulate a situation, so unfortunately for the entertainment industry, writers often rely on the work of their predecessors. Below are some examples...
View ArticleA Map of the Most Famous Athlete From Each State
by Matt Shirley 1 of 2 "Most famous" is obviously a subjective term. An athlete could be extremely famous among one generation, and almost unknown for another. So how did I come up with the MOST...
View ArticleThe Longer You're At The Gym
by Matt Shirley 1 of 2 Ah, the gym. A place to better yourself. A place to get stronger. A place to test your body. And, of course, a place to take selfies. More Share on Tumblr Pin It Email to a...
View ArticleThe Funniest GIFs of the Week - 9-12-13
1 of 32 This week's funniest GIFs feature a lot of people getting hurt, animals doing funny things and a bunch of other stuff that is funny once, but infinitely more funny when it's looped over and...
View Article'Food Mashups' Presents Cheeseburger Hot Wings
If you are not subscribed to Tasted on YouTube, you are missing out on some quality original food content that you won't find anywhere else. Their most recent sensation is a series called "Food...
View ArticleNikki Walton is a Sexy Wallflower
Picdesk.com 1 of 12 We don't know Nikki Walton personally, and based on the fact that she is a model, actress and dancer, the odds are she is not a wallflower in real life. But in this very sexy photo...
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