Disclaimer: Mandatory.com is not responsible for the hallucinations, permanent loss of tastebuds, severe pain and suffering, or emergency room bills that will surely occur should you sample anything mentioned in our round-up of the seven spiciest dishes on the planet.
Metrics: Each dish below is rated on the Scoville Heat Scale. For those of you new to the eat-it-and-weep genre of culinary masochism, this rates different dishes based on hotness, and has been used since 1912 when devised by pepper deviant Wilbur Scoville. For reference, traditional tabasco rates at 2,500, a jalapeño hits 3,750, and the kind of pepper spray that's used to debilitate bad guys is 2 million.
Damage Deposit: $7.95
Scoville Says: Between 100,000 and 300,000
This dish is prepared with abundant kachai peppercorns-more potent pepps than half of those known to man-and can be dialed up or down based on your bravado. Order it and fail to finish, and you'll be publicly shamed on the restaurant's Facebook page. Of the 400 folks who've made the attempt, only 21 have cleaned their plates (thus making the meal free). Do you value your taste buds and ability to smell more or less than ten-bucks-and-a-tip?
Damage Deposit: $17
Scoville Says: Estimated to exceed the scale
Any meal requiring a safety waiver earns our respect, and as the 4 Horsemen Burger's made with habanero sauce, fresh jalapeño and Serrano peppers, as well as the infamous ghost pepper-the world's hottest-we bow before Chunky's. As will you bow before their porcelain throne after eating, no doubt; the venue challenges daring diners to finish in 25 minutes and wait an additional five to ensure they don't chunder (lest they be charged a $20 cleanup).
Damage Deposit: $8
Scoville Says: About 800,000
At first glance, this signature Peruvian dish looks manageable. After all, it's just salad with yellow potatoes, boiled eggs and olives. But once you add Huancaína sauce to the mix, made with the ultra spicy amarillo chili pepper, say goodbye to feeling in your lips. Forever.
Damage Deposit: $7.49
Scoville Says: Estimated to exceed the scale
Disgraced Man vs. Food presenter Adam Richman couldn't finish ten of these bad boys, and he eats 7-pound burritos for breakfast. The secret to the spiciness here's the dangerously hot blend of peppers used to make the sauce (hint: ghost pepper makes another appearance).
Damage Deposit: $7.49
Scoville Says: Over one million
Phaal, the spiciest curry in the world, is made with eight of the hottest chillies-so hot that the chefs who prepare it have to wear gas masks to protect themselves from the fumes. Since Brick Lane restaurant started serving Phaal to New Yorkers, two customers have been rushed to the hospital, and countless others have complained of hallucinations, uncontrollable tears, profuse sweating, days of lava-like vomiting and fire-flows of 'rhea. All for the glory, plus a free beer and a nifty certificate!
Damage Deposit: $24.95
Scoville Says: Over 800,000
One of the key ingredients of this dish, the "flower pepper," may sound like sissy stuff-but you'll start sweating like Rob Ford at a press conference once you hit the hot pot. Add in hua jiao peppercorns and chili oil, and it's no wonder this dish serves as a right of passage for young males before they're viewed as men in Sichuan. There a man's courage is measured by his ability to eat a hot pot-so the faster you slurp, the more street cred you'll earn (if you can keep it down, of course).
Damage Deposit: $6
Scoville Says: Over one million
"You can feel your brain cooking," says one of the brave souls who successfully completed the Bushido Spicy Tuna challenge. To be considered a "legend" at Bushido, customers need to eat ten of the rolls, served in ten varying degrees of heat, in under an hour. The spice levels start at one (described as a manageable, pleasant spiciness) and end at ten (a cerebral slow-cooker). Only eight challengers have made it to "legend" status.
Metrics: Each dish below is rated on the Scoville Heat Scale. For those of you new to the eat-it-and-weep genre of culinary masochism, this rates different dishes based on hotness, and has been used since 1912 when devised by pepper deviant Wilbur Scoville. For reference, traditional tabasco rates at 2,500, a jalapeño hits 3,750, and the kind of pepper spray that's used to debilitate bad guys is 2 million.
1) Pearl's Fried Rice
![Spiciest Foods]()
Where's the Fire: Pearl Café -- Florissant, MO
Damage Deposit: $7.95
Scoville Says: Between 100,000 and 300,000
This dish is prepared with abundant kachai peppercorns-more potent pepps than half of those known to man-and can be dialed up or down based on your bravado. Order it and fail to finish, and you'll be publicly shamed on the restaurant's Facebook page. Of the 400 folks who've made the attempt, only 21 have cleaned their plates (thus making the meal free). Do you value your taste buds and ability to smell more or less than ten-bucks-and-a-tip?
2) The 4 Horsemen Burger
![Spiciest Foods]()
Where's the Fire: Chunky's -- San Antonio, TX
Damage Deposit: $17
Scoville Says: Estimated to exceed the scale
Any meal requiring a safety waiver earns our respect, and as the 4 Horsemen Burger's made with habanero sauce, fresh jalapeño and Serrano peppers, as well as the infamous ghost pepper-the world's hottest-we bow before Chunky's. As will you bow before their porcelain throne after eating, no doubt; the venue challenges daring diners to finish in 25 minutes and wait an additional five to ensure they don't chunder (lest they be charged a $20 cleanup).
3) Papa a la Huancaína
![Spiciest Foods]()
Where's the Fire: Peruvian restaurants everywhere
Damage Deposit: $8
Scoville Says: About 800,000
At first glance, this signature Peruvian dish looks manageable. After all, it's just salad with yellow potatoes, boiled eggs and olives. But once you add Huancaína sauce to the mix, made with the ultra spicy amarillo chili pepper, say goodbye to feeling in your lips. Forever.
4) Fire-In-Your-Hole Wings
![Spiciest Foods]()
Where's the Fire: 420 Munchies Cafe -- Sarasota, FL
Damage Deposit: $7.49
Scoville Says: Estimated to exceed the scale
Disgraced Man vs. Food presenter Adam Richman couldn't finish ten of these bad boys, and he eats 7-pound burritos for breakfast. The secret to the spiciness here's the dangerously hot blend of peppers used to make the sauce (hint: ghost pepper makes another appearance).
5) Phaal
![Spiciest Foods]()
Where's the Fire: Brick Lane -- New York, NY
Damage Deposit: $7.49
Scoville Says: Over one million
Phaal, the spiciest curry in the world, is made with eight of the hottest chillies-so hot that the chefs who prepare it have to wear gas masks to protect themselves from the fumes. Since Brick Lane restaurant started serving Phaal to New Yorkers, two customers have been rushed to the hospital, and countless others have complained of hallucinations, uncontrollable tears, profuse sweating, days of lava-like vomiting and fire-flows of 'rhea. All for the glory, plus a free beer and a nifty certificate!
6) Sichuan Huo Guo (Hot Pot)
![Spiciest Foods]()
Where's the Fire: Pubs of Sichuan, China
Damage Deposit: $24.95
Scoville Says: Over 800,000
One of the key ingredients of this dish, the "flower pepper," may sound like sissy stuff-but you'll start sweating like Rob Ford at a press conference once you hit the hot pot. Add in hua jiao peppercorns and chili oil, and it's no wonder this dish serves as a right of passage for young males before they're viewed as men in Sichuan. There a man's courage is measured by his ability to eat a hot pot-so the faster you slurp, the more street cred you'll earn (if you can keep it down, of course).
7) Bushido's Spicy Tuna Roll
![Spiciest Foods]()
Where's the Fire: Bushido -- Charleston, SC
Damage Deposit: $6
Scoville Says: Over one million
"You can feel your brain cooking," says one of the brave souls who successfully completed the Bushido Spicy Tuna challenge. To be considered a "legend" at Bushido, customers need to eat ten of the rolls, served in ten varying degrees of heat, in under an hour. The spice levels start at one (described as a manageable, pleasant spiciness) and end at ten (a cerebral slow-cooker). Only eight challengers have made it to "legend" status.