That's Not How That Works: 12 Photos of People Doing It Wrong
In the past, we've shown you people who have no idea what they're doing in the kitchen, and also people who have no idea how to be background actors, but now we're going to show you some folks who are...
View ArticleOur 8 Favorite NBA Infidelity Rumors of All Time
An NBA player sexing up a woman other than his wife is almost as much of a part of the game as an alley-oop. Hell, sometimes they don't even care if the woman they're about to have relations with is...
View Article10 Times That Boobs Saved Lives
Breasts: They're great, aren't they? They feed our children, they fill the bikinis of millions of wonderful women and sometimes they even save lives. Here are ten heartwarming stories about the power...
View ArticleConnecticut Murderer Thinks Jail's Ban on Porn Isn't Fair
An adult male not being able to look at porn for the rest of his life does sound awful, but so does shooting a 35-year-old father of two in the head five times and stabbing him in the heart with a...
View ArticleRenee Zellweger Now Looks Like a Completely Different Human Being
Imagine Tom Cruise showing up for the premiere of his next box office flop looking like Harrison Ford or just a random father of four. That's pretty much the best way to describe how Renee Zellweger is...
View ArticleYour Halloween Costume Will Never Be As Clever As These Costumes
Halloween is just around the corner and you're panicked about what you're going to dress up as. Well, I'm here to tell you not to stress so much. Because whatever you end up going with, it will never...
View ArticleProfessional Prankster, Abusing Tourists
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View Article14 People Share Stories About The Unbelievably Crazy Stuff Their Ex Did
In some relationships people realize that they make better friends than lovers and end things on good terms. Sometimes they'll even be closer friends after the breakup. That's always a nice thing....
View ArticleThe Absolute Spiciest Foods in the Entire World
Disclaimer: Mandatory.com is not responsible for the hallucinations, permanent loss of tastebuds, severe pain and suffering, or emergency room bills that will surely occur should you sample anything...
View ArticleA Woman Pranked The Perverts of the Internet Into Oogling Her Husband's Hairy...
We have to send our thanks to Uproxx for bringing this to our attention because it's this kind of reporting that is going to finally win Mandatory the much-deserved Pulitzer. So, let's move this along...
View ArticleThis One-Minute Film About Bedtime is Freaking People Out
We all know how scary creepy children can be, but what if that creepy child was your own? Based on a post from Reddit's two-sentence horror stories, "Tuck Me In" won this year's international...
View ArticleThe Redneck Retriever Meme Is Here To Speak His Mind
If you've ever wondered what the opposite of the Sophisticated Cat meme is, wonder no more. The Redneck Retriever is here to remind you of that one time your uncle Karl had a few too many at the last...
View ArticleJack-O'-Lantern Monstrosities That Will Really Scare Kids Away
It's that time of year again. Time to get together with friends and loved ones, find that perfect pumpkin, gut it and then carve something horrifying into it before showing it off by candlelight. If...
View ArticleThese People Are Way Too Comfortable Out in Public
Some people have no shame, no matter where they're at. Others value comfort over everything else. And then there are those who just don't give a f**k. The people below are probably a combination of all...
View Article7 Halloween Pranks That Ended Very Badly
Halloween is just around the corner. If you're planning on doling out some pranks this year, remember to keep it safe. The following stories illustrate jokes can sometimes go a bit too far, and...
View ArticleSnapChat and Sex With Student Ruin Another Teacher's Career
The fact that the Pasadena High School cheer squad has dudes on it is a little surprising, but it's not as surprising as their 24-year-old assistant coach sending one of them a nudie pic of herself and...
View ArticleThe Pre-Game: The Worst Online Dating Profile Pics You Will Ever See
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View ArticleA Fight Between Mr. Incredible and Batgirl Was Broken Up By Chewbacca
Punch it, Chewie. According to UPI, a fight broke out between Mr. Incredible and Batgirl around 5pm yesterday afternoon on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in front of the TCL Chinese Theatre, and it was...
View ArticleWatch a Crazy Puppy Try to Pull Off a Girl's Bikini Top
Dogs have quite the life, man. I mean, if I tried doing something like this, she wouldn't be laughing and I'd be be behind bars. Kendra Moriah is a singer with two singles available on iTunes, but her...
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