As we learned in the first edition of the stupidest people on Facebook, if you're dumb on the Internet, it's probably going to haunt you for the rest of your life. People are always at the ready to take a screenshot of your stupidity and share it with the world. And there are A LOT of stupid people out there. Here are just a few:
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High on the list of things that people do that they later regret are getting too drunk and taking a trip to McDonald's. So when you put them together, well, this is what you get. According to Reddit, a drunken, pink-haired Swedish girl attempted to do a backflip over the counter at McDonald's. Unsurprisingly, she did not stick the landing, and took down a couple cash registers in the process. Reportedly, the group of girls ran away after the epic fail, and the main culprit left her iPhone behind -- along with her dignity.
Look, sometimes honesty is the best policy. At least the person fostering this cat seems to think so. Rose knows that she's currently fostering a not-so-friendly cat which will probably hinder it's ability to get adopted. However, she sure does a fantastic job of making a shitty cat seem pretty awesome. Any takers?
Last week, an assistant professor at Kent State University named Linden Adkins claims he saw a driver in a minivan texting while driving, run a stop sign and almost hit a student. This enraged Adkins, so he approached the guy in the minivan and yelled, "WHAT KIND OF A MORON ARE YOU? GOD DAMMIT, SON OF A BITCH!" The driver apparently wasn't having this, so he started driving away, but Adkins held on to the van's windshield wiper and got pulled to the ground (which resulted in some hilarious grunting). It was all captured on a cell phone camera.
Adkins was interviewed by ABC 5, and although he admits he could have done what he did in a less threatening way, he was not apologetic. However, he has been charged with menacing and plans on pleading guilty.
Now that you know the backstory, we want to know what you think. Was Adkins justified in his actions, or did he receive a healthy dose of instant karma?
We had no idea Courtney Love was already a grandma.
According to Uproxx, a 49-year-old Naples woman wearing only a bikini was arrested on suspicion of DUI last week after she crashed her BMW into a Ford Mustang stopped at a red light.
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Just as surprising as her lack of clothing was the fact that police said Patricia Ebel was already a grandmother despite being one year shy of her 50th birthday. And even more surprising than that was that Ebel was driving around town with a blood alcohol content more than twice the legal limit with her 10-year-old grandson in the car with her.
Police said Ebel failed every single one of their field sobriety tests, and at one point suggested she couldn't stand on one leg on a good day. Normally, we would be in total agreement with any grandmother who said that, but then again, most grandmothers these days aren't younger than Paula Abdul.
Thankfully, WINK News cameras were on the scene to capture Ebel's feeble attempts to prove her sobriety.
Let's be honest: It's pretty embarrassing when local news cameras capture your grandson hugging you before you get hauled off to jail. Almost as embarrassing as taking your grandson to the pool and getting shithoused.
However, not every seems to be as happy as Bill Fink about this, and the topless and body-painted gals who walk around Times Square are causing an uproar over allegedly taking money from children for pictures with them.
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According to a report from the New York Post, underage tourists as young as 14 have been targeted by the topless, patriotic women who know that kids these days have some spending money and would want photos with them. Brian Mathis, NYC tour guide to middle schoolers across the country who has seen this process in action, thinks it is just wrong.
"They're engaging in child pornography," says Mathis. "There was no question these kids were underage. There is no gray area. When I told the girl he was 14 years old, she said, 'It's all right. We're allowed to do this.'"
The topless gal may have a point, as police can't arrest the women because there are no laws against baring your breasts in public in NYC. But Mathis says the problem isn't nudity, it's that the children who are being preyed upon for money aren't old enough to consent to the photos.
I don't know whose side I'm on in this controversy just yet, but I am certain about one thing: These ladies make me proud to be an American.
When this guy was thinking, "Hey, what's the worst that could possibly happen?" before he cheated on his girlfriend, odds are this wasn't on the list.
According to The LAD Bible, a Japanese woman recently lost her mind when she found out her boyfriend cheated on her and threw his entire collection of Apple electronics into a tub filled with water.
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The dude's collection was so massive that it required two separate baths, one to destroy his gigantic iMac and another to off his iPhones, iPads, MacBooks and other accessories.
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Twitter user @foolishnessfly2's photos of her retaliation have since been retweeted more than 17,000 times. Some people are applauding her efforts while others think she should "burn in hell."
Based on the size of this guy's Apple collection, it's safe to say that either he's so rich that this won't phase him, or he's going to need to max out another Discover card to get back to where he was.
It's unknown at this point if the girlfriend's retaliation is punishable by jail time in Japan, or if she still has a pulse after pulling a stunt of this magnitude.
According to The Daily Beast, the ladies from the world famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada have already made their choice for this country's next president, and Hillary Clinton must be absolutely thrilled that it's her.
Calling themselves "Hookers for Hillary," the ladies have a four-point platform that outlines their support for the former First Lady, and making sure they are still able to get health care when the next president moves into the White House is at the top of their list.
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"Whether someone agrees with legal prostitution or not it's not right to take health care away from us," Krissy Summers said. "We pay into taxes too."
Bunny Ranch owner Dennis Hof said his hookers are going to be doing "crazy things" like showing up at bike rallies in bikinis to make sure their voices are heard.
"They're going to push the issue and stir it up because when you stir it up you get people thinking and looking at it," Hof said.
Several other "Hookers for Hillary" supporters chimed in, and Ava Adora's "ringing endorsement" of Clinton is surprisingly one of the most intelligent things you'll hear throughout the entire campaign.
On the other hand, Air Force Amy might want to think about having somebody else writer her speeches from here on out.
"Game of Thrones" is a huge hit. Maybe it's because it's got dragons. Maybe it's because it's a fantasy world brought to life. Or maybe it's because it's got a bevy of beautiful women who show off their boobs. You've got your favorites. So do we. And even though some of these characters have been killed off, they've definitely left quite the impression. Scroll down for 12 of the Hottest "GoT" girls of all time. But be warned: spoilers ahead!
Sibel played the role of Shae, the prostitute and doomed lover of Tyrion (who killed her after discovering she had an affair with his father Tywin). Sibel actually turned down the role of Shae when it was first offered, but the producers later convinced her. She certainly convinced us of her skills.
Roxanne McKee Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Roxanne played the part of Doreah, a handmaiden to Daenerys Targaryen, and a former bedslave. But after betraying Daenerys (and her dragons), she was sentenced to die. Westeros mourns her loss, as do we.
Oona Chaplin Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Oona Chaplin (yes, she's related to the famous Charlie Chaplin family) played the role of another doomed babe, Talisa Stark. She had the (mis)fortune of marrying Rob Stark and was killed in the jaw-dropping Red Wedding.
Carice van Houten Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Carice van Houten plays Melisandre of Asshai, otherwise known as the Red Woman, and the priestess of the Lord of Light. We're surprised she's not known by another moniker, the Lordess of Lust, such is her hotness.
Charlotte Hope Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Charlotte Hope plays a small role, but it's an attractive one. She's Myranda, one of Ramsay Snow's "bedwarmers." (Of course, maybe you also recognize her from the film "The Theory of Everything.")
Nathalie Emmanuel Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Nathalie Emmanuel plays the former slave Missandei, who is now a trusted servant of Daenerys Targaryen. Nathalie will soon be seen in the "The Maze Runner: Scorch Trials."
Rose Leslie Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
"You know nothing, Jon Snow," so knows any fan. Rose plays wildling Ygritte who got down and dirty in a cave. She, too, met an unfortunate ending when she was dispatched with a well-placed arrow to the heart. Fans around the world felt like they'd been shot, too.
Esme Bianco Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Esme Bianco played Ros, a prostitute, and she had a wickedly delicious smile. Unfortunately, King Joffrey used her for target practice with a crossbow, and she's sadly no longer smiling. In real life, Esme is an actress, model and burlesque performer.
Natalie Dormer Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Natalie Dormer, she of "The Tudors" fame, segued nicely into her role as Margaery Tyrell. Her character is still alive, at least as this posting, and we can only hope the she continues to grace our screens.
Lena Headey Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
As if the woman who plays Cersei Lannister needs any introduction. She's a beautiful queen regent, incestuous lover of her brother, Jaime, and complete nemesis to her other brother, Tyrion.
Sophie Turner Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Lovely Sophie Turner has grown up on the show and is now 19. She plays Sansa Stark, the daughter of beheaded Eddard; wife to Tyrion, and now on the run with Petry Baelish. Most recently, Sophie was cast as Jean Grey in "X-Men: Apocalypse." (Don't confuse her with the Australian model of the same name.)
Emilia Clarke Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Of course, you knew this one was coming. What list could ever leave out the Mother of Dragons herself, Daenerys Targaryen, played by the stunning Emilia Clarke. Emilia will soon be seen on the big screen in "Terminator Genisys," as Sarah Connor.
Although this video is from 2013, it's taking the Internet by storm now. Why? Because we love when people get caught having sex where they're absolutely not supposed to be having sex and it doesn't matter when it happened as long as we get to see it.
This time around, the primal act took place in one of the windows of Russia's White House. Lucky for the amorous duo, you can't really make out who they are in the shot, so the chances of anyone getting in trouble are slim to none. The fact that the video is from two years ago probably helps the matter as well.
If there is a lesson to be learned here, it's don't have sex where you shouldn't. But if you absolutely have to, don't have the lights on when the majority of the other lights in the building are off. But if you absolutely have to, don't do it within view of a public street. But if you absolutely have to, try to make sure the footage doesn't really go viral until long after so that you've probably had time to switch jobs by then. Let's take one last moment to salute these Anonymous Russian Office Bangers:
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(h/t Playboy)
Thrift stores are a real thing of beauty. People who have never walked into one (or any flea market, Goodwill, or garage sale for that matter) based solely on not wanting to look at a bunch of junk have no idea of the sweet finds they are missing out on. OK, so most of it is useless, but the following items are so worthless that they actually swing back around into hilarious territory, kind of like Charles Barkley commentating a basketball game. (h/t ThriftStoreHauls)
Cat Clogs - $24.99 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
"Dancin' Grannies" Fitness VHS - $0.99 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Dri-FIT Hot Dog Shirt - $4 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Unicorn Rainbow Coffee Mug - $0.50 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Mortal Kombat Live Tour Shirt Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Serious Clown Painting - $30 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Gorilla Shower Head - $3.99 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Motivational Taco Bell Sauce Packet Poster - $6.50 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Bird Dome - $8 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Whatever this is - $4 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Dead Super Mario Bros. 3 Game Watch - $2 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Video Professor "Learn the Internet" - $2 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Camel Neck Mug - $0.49 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Cat Butthole Plate - $0.99 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Jesse Ventura Air Freshener - $0.99 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Plush Moose Head - $14 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Framed Panda on Tricycle - $1.99 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Framed John Travolta - $4 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
And last but not least, the greatest painting ever...
"Cosmic Cowboy" - $10 Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Make that the second greatest... Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Everyone encounters a bully at some point in their life. What motivates them is a mystery, but there they are, out to ruin your day. Sometimes they want to pick a fight. Sometimes they want to put you down. Whatever they do, they are bad apples content on shaking your tree. In television and movies we see these adversaries time and again, and though we may be better off leaving them alone, here we list the ten most notorious of all time.
Biff Tannen - "Back to the Future" Trilogy Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Say what you will about Biff Tannen, he sure does bring dedication to the art of bullying. Though we never see him raise hell on the playground as a youngster, within the generations covered by the "BTTF" trilogy, Biff's antics are reliably awful throughout, where only Fidel Castro might boast a longer tenure as an oppressor. In true bully fashion, Biff and his football player build preys on the weak, employing intimidation, brute force, and noogies to get his dastardly way. But years can finally catch up to you, and decade-hopping time travelers time and again clean his clock with the force of an unexpected -- or maybe expected -- bolt of lightning. (Photo credit: Universal Pictures/Photofest)
Lucy Van Pelt - Various "Peanuts" Specials Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Don't let the wide, pencil-thin smile nor dainty, blue dress fool you. Lucy Van Pelt is perhaps the most troublesome female to reign over any cartoon universe, particularly for someone practicing psychiatry (though we are rightly dubious of her credentials to do so). She is a pint-sized hellion, directing fits of anger, bluster, and humiliating taunts to all the venues children, dogs, and birds might otherwise find security and solace. And even without superpowers, her forceful screams can lift unlucky recipients of her wrath off their feet, hurtling helplessly backwards. Put a football in her hand and Lucy is at her very worst. Despite denials to the contrary, she will pull the pigskin away from you right at the moment you're about to kick it -- every single time -- leading to certain injury and soul-crushing embarrassment. (Photo credit: CBS/Photofest)
Scut Farkus - "A Christmas Story" Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
A permanent entry on Santa's naughty list, Scut Farkus is the classic neighborhood bully, making the walk between school and home more terrifying then anything Little Red Riding Hood would ever encounter herself. This wolf in classmate's clothing comes complete with yellow eyes, a menacing laugh, and any villain's greatest accessory -- a sidekick named Grover Dill. In a nifty coonskin cap, Scut lurks in the shadows to pounce and make you cry Uncle with more than relative ease. But as comeuppances go, Scut's is sugarplum sweet, when a frequent victim breaks and punches back -- over and over again -- in front of a sizable rabble of the student body. (MGM/UA Entertainment Company/Photofest)
Nelson Muntz - "The Simpsons" Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Though populated with other teenage bullies, Springfield's most infamous is 4th grader, Nelson Muntz. Coming from a broken home (literally), he is a model student of bad behavior. Schoolchildren beware, Nelson spares no one from his seemingly arbitrary pattern of physical abuse. Bart is one frequent victim though they do share some similarities. Most of all is wardrobe, though Nelson ups Bart in style with a serrated-fringed vest. But his role as town bully is a complex one for he has often shown a vulnerable side, capable of compassion and even love. But others' misfortune is too tempting a treat for Nelson and, whether its catalyst or not, will reliably resort to mockery with his shameless, trademark laugh. (Photo credit: Simpsons Wiki)
Bobby Kent - "Bully" Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Sometimes a bully can go too far, and that is what leads to the tragic downfall of Bobby Kent. The fact that this true crime story was based in Florida, which seems to grow senseless scandal as abundantly as oranges, doesn't help. Bobby's strange hold over his friend Marty includes routine physical abuse through the course of a relationship that began in grade school. Unable to break away from that treatment on his own, his pregnant, lovestruck girlfriend Lisa, also victim of Bobby's physical and sexual abuse, sees a murderous way out. Stir in an additional quintet of directionless delinquents and drug users gripping knives and a bat and the tables are turned on this "Bully" in an horrifically unHollywood way. (Photo credit: Lions Gate Films)
Nellie Oleson - "Little House on the Prairie" Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
A flaxen-haired beast in a bonnet, Nellie Oleson was perhaps series TV's first Mean Girl, a breakout 19th Century bully. Hailing from the fruited plains of Walnut Grove, she terrorized Minnesota residents long before Michelle Bachmann snatched that torch. A wealthy, spoiled brat with dollish curls covering an aggressive, manipulative mind she is the perfect antagonist and thorn-in-the-side to plain, wholesome farmgirl, Laura Ingalls. Laura becomes the unwanted target of Nellie's crosshairs and repeatedly bears the brunt of her homespun hostility. But Laura's no shrinking violet and often retaliates in kind, knocking Nellie off her embroidered perch time and again, sometimes right into the Minnesota mud. (Photo credit: NBC/Photofest)
Bluto - "Popeye" Cartoons Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Or is it Brutus? Either way, this bully is no good. Though first friends with less bulky shipmate Popeye, their love for the same woman made them mortal enemies, bringing out the worst in Bluto. A rough nature with a short temper raining down from a bodybuilder's frame, he is quick to draw fists and use them. Fair fights mean little to Bluto, who rarely picks on anyone his own size. He openly consorts with seahags and other fiends and isn't above kidnapping, even Olive Oyl, the very object of his affection. But there is an item that Bluto should always be fearful of, since it usually leads to his undoing - a specific variety of canned goods. (Photo credit: YouTube)
Heather Chandler - "Heathers" Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Just as terrifying as any movie swarm, the three namesakes from "Heathers" bring mayhem to the unpopular at Westerburg High. Their queen is the beautiful, blonde Heather Chandler whose red scrunchie wields more power and influence than any Hobbit's ring. And despite her love of Corn Nuts, this is no cool chick. She's a sharply dressed elevator of profanity whose place atop the social ladder leaves her to revel in her status and delight in her ability to destroy those beneath her. So sure is she of her omnipotence that she is completely unaware of both revenge seekers and the corrosive power of drain cleaner. (Photo credit: New World Pictures/Photofest)
Johnny Lawrence - "The Karate Kid" Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
As they do the schoolyard, William Zabka ruled the 80's as that decade's most rotten bully. (Only James Spader might compete for that title, though what Zabka delivered with vile menace, Spader brought in slime.) His greatest tyrannical triumph though was Johnny Lawrence, who didn't just make Jersey transplant Daniel LaRusso's move to the Golden State miserable through normal bully means, but this motherscratcher also knows karate! In fact, the top student in his dojo - which seems to specialize in cruelty and pain - philosophies Lawrence carries into social interactions with his peers. (Alhough his taste in group Halloween costumes is quite impressive.) But it takes two to tettsui uchi, and Daniel's sensei has got some moves of his own to instill in his protégé. When the two young adversaries meet at the All-Valley Karate Tournament - which would likely be a bitch to get to during rush hour - a heart-stopping showdown ensues that would even make Rocky Balboa stand up and say, "Yo.!" (Photo credit: Columbia Pictures/Photofest)
Butch - "Little Rascals" Shorts Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Hold on to your marbles, boys, because Butch is on the loose. With a sour sneer and reliably bad intentions, this tyke brings as much chaos to the "Little Rascals" world as a runaway, homemade fire truck. We don't know what makes Butch so mean, but with a name like that, he probably was not destined to be a hall monitor. Butch's biggest target is the merry Alfalfa - a rival for dear Darla's affections - who'd certainly much prefer to croon or mosey in peace. With his loyal flunky, Woim, at his side, Butch brings dark clouds to any sunny day, bringing a hair-raising pall to the playground, way beyond Alfalfa's singular, cocked cowlick. (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The YouTube channel whatever specializes in pranks and funny social experiments, and now they are going back to their bread and butter, which is asking random people if they want to have sex. They've had a guy ask girls and a girl ask guys (including in Europe), but now they are going big. In this experiment, they are making it a full sample size of 100 with their very attractive constant variable, Andrea, approaching 100 dudes on the street. Let's see how she does. (Hint: surprisingly, not as well as when she was picking up girls).
"All I heard him say was, 'Help me, help me. I got to pee.'"
"Oh, that's what he said?"
"I got to pee. I'm gonna pee on myself."
That's how it went down on live TV yesterday when a Greenville woman was being interviewed by the local CBS affiliate about a shooting near a gas station.
This poor young lady takes southern hospitality to new level. I mean, she is so nice that she is willing to answer every single question the reporter has despite the fact that her bladder is about to burst like a can of baked beans that your idiot brother just threw on the grill without opening it first.
You also have to admire the reporter's willingness to get the story no matter what, but the young lady couldn't have been more blunt about what was going to happen if the interview didn't come to an end right there.
At the very least, let's hope the reporter and cameraman chipped in to buy her a new pair of khakis.
First dates in general are typically painful. You're too busy being in your own head to really even be yourself. Wouldn't it just be easier if we knew exactly what the other person was thinking? No, it wouldn't. It would be a complete disaster. Let me show you why. Here are the thoughts running through the other person's mind during the first date.
Hopefully this guy won't be procreating any time soon.
According to FOX 13, an 18-year-old idiot from Wimauma named Austin Hatfield recently tried to kiss a water moccasin he had captured a few days earlier.
He shouldn't have:
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Hatfield's friend Jason Belcher was on hand Saturday afternoon to witness the ordeal and said Hatfield's face began swelling immediately after the cottonmouth lunged at him and sunk his teeth into his face. By the time Hatfield made it to Tampa General Hospital's emergency room, he was already in critical condition.
Belcher said Hatfield had caught the snake a few days earlier in his girlfriend's backyard. When he pulled the snake out of the pillowcase, he put it on his chest before it "jumped up and got him."
"It was acting funny," Belcher said.
Yeah, probably because it had just spent a few days in a pillowcase.
Hatfield is expected to make a full recovery, but authorities said he could face charges for illegally capturing and keeping the cottonmouth without a permit.
The most shocking part of this story? You guessed it: This guy has a girlfriend.
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A Russian company is looking to profit on the simple idea that any greeting is better when it's written on boobs.
And based on what we see in the video below, business must be booming.
With a motto of "Our Boobs. Your Message," will write any message you want on the fabulous breasts of one of their models, take a picture of it and send you a link to that picture, all for the low price of $9.95.
"Sorry you got a DUI while driving my drunk ass home last night." will do it.
"Sorry to hear you lost your great-grandfather in a 26-car collision."
They'll do that as well.
Although, you might just want to stick with a greeting card if you're trying to get back in the good graces of your girlfriend after cheating on her.
Before you criticize these disgusting old men, might you join The following list is perhaps the best argument against capitalism, or for capitalism, depending on your jealousy at the moment, and represent what a little can-do attitude can do. If these people rub you the wrong way, remember that trophy wives have existed since the beginning of time. Much like these men.
Rupert Murdoch & Wendi Deng Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Murdoch married Deng in a flutter of romance in 1999. Beyond those cute rimmed glasses and an Aussie accent that'll melt your heart, Deng (pronounced Daaannngg) likely gravitated toward his insatiable lust for global domination, proving once again that women love ambition. And $14.1 billion.
Hugh Hefner & Crystal Harris Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Harris was born in 1986, when Hugh was 60. They married in 2012. She told Daily Mail that they've only "done it" once, and it lasted two seconds, which sounds bad until you learn it bought her a $5 million mansion. Say what you will, but I would have sex with Hugh. Without lube. Behind a dumpster. In front of my family. For $5 million. But I'm easy like that.
Donald Trump & Melania Trump Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
The real estate mogul and Slovenian model married in 2005. Melanie wore a $200,000 dress at the wedding, which begs the question why Donald won't spend that type of money to make his hairpiece look a little bit less like a dead ginger rabbit on his head.
James Goldstein & Amalie Wichmann Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
He looks like Warwick Davis in "Leprechaun," but his stature (so punned you) in high society is unquestionable. No one knows exactly what the source of James Goldstein's wealth is, but he uses it to pull models. Since 1961 he's been a Lakers season ticket holder. Pictured in his tiny little arms is Amalie Wichmann, a Danish supermodel, whose Instagram will make your day. You're welcome.
Richard Lugner & Cathy Schmitz Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Australian billionaire and old sack of skin Richard Lugner married ex-Playboy model Cathy Schmitz in 2014. The 25-year-old said she married the 82-year-old for love, but admitted the relationship is "rocky." Whether that is due to her having sex with a walking corpse or him being unable to bring his walker to night clubs is up to speculation.
Bob Kraft & Ricki Noel Lander Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
In 2011, Patriot's owner Bob Kraft fell into a deep depression after his wife Myra passed. He claims Ricki saved him, which is all kinds of sweet. They spend their time watching football games, attending events, and making audition tapes for Ricki's budding acting career. Best of luck to the lovely couple.
Sumner Redstone & Malia Andelin Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Media magnate Sumner Redstone, looking as though he doesn't know what's happening to his wallet, is pictured with ex-stewardess and holy-shit hottie Malia Andelin. The NY Daily News reported they began seeing each other in 2009. Let's hope this flame doesn't die like Sumner did in 1990. (He's still walking around.)
Flavio Briatore & Elisabetta Gregoraci Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Briatore an Italian businessman with a net worth of $150 million, which isn't the most impressive thing about him. He's married to Italian fashion model Elisabetta Gregoraci, and they have a son together. He's also the biological father of Heidi Klum's 10-year-old daughter, Leni. Apparent life philosophy? Cash checks and sleep with supermodels.
Harvey Weinstein & Georgina Chapman Image may be NSFW. Clik here to view.
Weinstein may be an entertainment film producer, but Georgina Chapman is clearly more entertaining. That's all I've got here.