We're guessing that by now you know who Miranda Kerr is. If you don't, well, you're a very, very, lucky person because she is on the epic scale of worldwide hotness.
She's been a Victoria's Secret Angel for a very long time and if you look at these images you'll see why.
Miranda Kerr came into our offices the other day and she did NOT look like she had recently had a child. (AKA, she was still very, very hot.)
We're not sure if a Victoria's Secret model has ever done a nude scene, but if we had to choose one, we'd definitely want Miranda Kerr to be the one to do a nude scene.
You probably don't care, but Miranda Kerr is from Australia. I bet she sounds slightly sexier than Crocodile Dundee.
This photo of one of Miranda Kerr's first modeling gigs is kind of amazing.
You're probably not reading these anymore, so what's the point of still writing Miranda Kerr fun facts. I might start making them up soon.
Miranda Kerr once killed a man who called her "Miranda Kerrrr-azy." (Please see previous slide before you sue us.)
I'm tired of writing facts about Miranda Kerr, you're on your own from here on out.
Check out more sexy photos of Miranda Kerr.
Check out more sexy photos of Miranda Kerr.
Check out more sexy photos of Miranda Kerr.
Check out more sexy photos of Miranda Kerr.
Check out more sexy photos of Miranda Kerr.
The Poonanji Marsha Facebook account is some sort of strange combination of insult comic and Internet meme. Whatever, and whoever, it is, we love following the many antagonistic conversations people have with Poonanji. Here are the best interactions between Poonanji Marsha and her many Facebook fans.
Don't ask Poonanji Marsha questions, this isn't a game show.
Poonanji looks out for all her fans.
The simpler and meaner the insult, the funnier it is.
Seriously, Marissa, no one cares about spelling and accuracy on the Internet.
Love hurts.
Poonanji is clearly the life of the party.
Just because you do what Poonanji asks, does not mean you will get on her good side.
Insult comic, magician - Poonanji can do it all.
Mess with the bull, you're gonna get the horns.
Why hasn't this saying caught on yet?
It was only a matter of time.
That escalated quickly.
Poonanji makes a good point.
Just keep your weight off the ankles and you'll be fine.
Even Poonanji gets lonely from time to time.
The superstar athlete makes his living based on treating his body like a temple. Those who wind up at the top of their game posses the perfect human physiques, the model body for us mere mortals to strive for. And then when their careers end, usually no later than at the ripe old age of 35, they throw it all down the toilet as they bask in their riches and get fat and sloppy.
Here are the worst examples of pro athletes who have let themselves go starting with Diego Maradona, the soccer star. Click the next slide to see what he looks like now.
Diego hasn't made this hand gesture at a restaurant since he retired.
Magic Johnson, NBA star
It'd take some magic for Johnson to fit into the old jersey from his playing days.
Mike Tyson, boxer
Tyson is the first person to have a one-man show in Vegas even though he's the size of two men.
Ronaldo, soccer
Yes, Ronaldo, we're all shocked.
George Foreman, boxer
George doesn't just eat the burgers off his famous Foreman Grills, he eats the grills, too.
Shaquille O'Neal, NBA
He's gone from the Most Dominant Big Man of All Time to just The Most Big Man of All Time.
Shawn Kemp, NBA
He definitely looks like the kind of guy who would have his own name on an apron.
Tony Gwynn, MLB
And yet he's still lighter than Prince Fielder.
John Kruk, MLB
Actually, he looks like he somehow lost weight since he played.
Quotation marks can be a helpful way to indicate a different meaning that's normally associated with a word. For example, if I was to say, "Mandatory.com is the greatest website on the Internet" you would probably agree.
But if I said, "Mandatory is the greatest 'website' on the Internet." then you would probably have a very different takeaway. (The wrong takeaway, FYI.)
Here's 35 examples of hilariously suspicious quotation marks on signs.
This is a great way to cover your ass if you don't actually end up fixing the phone.
If anything involving the bathroom has quotes, get as far away from it as possible.
Fish is usually questionable as is. The quotes should be a definite reason for you to go eat elsewhere.
And by "children" we mean "our bank accounts".
Could be worse. C.P.R. could be in quotes.
This is actually brilliant because they could pretty much end up serving any other kind of food and not take any flack for it.
Fresh Brown "Eggs"
This one is actually more comforting with quotation marks.
Again, stay away from this bathroom. Unless you want to catch "crabs".
Or do.
I'm scared to even think what other options there might be after using the toilet.
"FREE" If cashier don't ask.
And by "fresh" we mean "not fresh".
Always Looking For "Great People"
They could be guilty. We really have no way of finding out.
We all know very well what this means.
We all know very well what this means.
"Open" For Lunch And Dinner
"Pussy" Willow
"Real Food"
"Real" Soft Serve Ice Cream
Have we learned our lesson yet?
Again, this is just a business trying to cover their backs in case something goes wrong.
This is the most accurate sign of the bunch.
Sometimes people get a little quote happy.
"Cheese" Burgers
"Vegetable" Cream Cheese
This one is a tough one to avoid since you're already in the bathroom. You might want to shower in bleach when you get home.
Everyone who has ever worked in the food service industry understands this one completely,
Women "Only"
Smart use of quotes for any states in the middle of America.
Fancy "Cooked" Alaskan King Crab
Basically, anyone can use this bathroom.
by Dina Spector
A few months ago we published a list of the 16 smartest people in the world.
The list ranked people by IQ and was culled from an online ranking called The World Genius Directory. The directory, created by Dr. Jason Betts, is compiled from certified high-range intelligence tests sent in by listees.
Unlike IQ tests designed by psychologists, high-range IQ tests are crafted by amateurs and enthusiasts around the world who have a high IQ themselves (An IQ of at least 160, which is considered genius, is recommended).
Ivan Ivec, a Croatian mathematician who ranks 25th on the genius directory with an IQ of 169, has written more than 15 IQ tests, which are available at ultimaiq.net.
"Intelligence tests designed by psychologists are limited in time that does not suit everyone," Ivec tells us. "Specifically, there are intelligent people, capable of performing complex actions and resolving complex tasks, although their speed of solving is low."
High range IQ tests are usually not timed, but most can take 20 hours or more to complete. They generally come in four flavors: Verbal, numerical, spatial, and logical. Any single test can include all or one of these categories.
Ivec has published a list of his favorite high-range IQ tests from a range of authors on his website. Test-takers vote for their favorite via email and he shifts the ranking accordingly.
"For a complete insight into their own abilities, people are encouraged to take more tests of different types and preferably from different authors," Ivec explains.
With help from Ivec, a list of those tests, including their strengths and weaknesses are listed in the following slides. Check them out (starting below) and hit up Ivec's website to give the tests a whirl to see if you are a genius.
Type: Spatial (draw the missing figure)
Strengths: Includes a variety of original ideas, difficulty equally distributed, no cultural bias
Weaknesses: Two items presented an alternative answer of low quality
Creator: Paul Laurent of Spain
15. Nydegger Intelligence Test - Form I
Type: Mixed item type (Numerical, Verbal, Spatial, Logical)
Strengths: Uses multiples abilities which is more appropriate to measure intelligence, items are based on a revision of a previous test and on the experience of other test creators, no fee, no time limit
Weaknesses: The test was designed by only one person (young and male) so biases may exist and it's only available in English
Creator: Marc-André Nydegger of Switzerland
14. Numerus Classic
Type: Numerical
Strengths: Based on good statistical data
Creator: Ivan Ivec
13. Mathema
Type: Mathematical, Numerical, Verbal
Strengths: Highly precise in scoring an IQ of up to 200
Weaknesses: Uses Greek and Latin
Creator: Jason Betts of Australia
Betts is a mathematician, philosopher, and creator of the World Genius Directory. He is also a member of the Prometheus Society.
12. LSHR
Type: Spatial, draw the missing figure
Strengths: Includes a variety of spatial ideas
Weaknesses: High difficulty
Creator: Ivan Ivec
11. HI-Qlass
Type: Verbal
Strengths: Comprises the best items from two other IQ tests, Triplex and Einplex
Creator: Ivan Ivec
10. FREE Fall
Type: Mixed item type (Verbal, Numerical, Spatial)
Strengths: Well-suited to measure general intelligence
Weaknesses: The spatial part is hard
Creator: Ivan Ivec
See Also: 4 Simple But Successfully New Inventions
9. Einplex
Type: Verbal, analogies
Strengths: Highly precise in scoring an IQ of up to 160
Weaknesses: Basic English knowledge is needed
Creator: Ivan Ivec
8. Triplex
Type: Verbal, three-word associations
Strengths: Suited to measure general intelligence abilities
Weaknesses: Basic English language knowledge needed
Creator: Ivan Ivec
7. Multiple Choice Spatial Test (MCST32)
Type: Multiple choice (6 options), Spatial
Strengths: Comfortable interface, does not require too much time, no cultural bias, colors
Weaknesses: There are few items
Creator: Paul Laurent
5. World Intelligence Test
Type: Logical-Reasoning, Verbal
Strengths: Can be completed quickly
Weaknesses: May require a lot of Internet searching
Creator: Jason Betts
4. Warp
Type: Verbal, three-word associations
Strengths: Minimized cultural bias, available in many formats, quick response time, certificate, no fee
Weaknesses: Only available in English
Creator: Nikolaos Ulysses Soulios of Greece
Nickolas was born in Larisa, Greece. He has been working for a major Greek financial institution as administrative IT support personnel since 2004.
See Also: The Most Innovative Gadgets of 2012
3. Numerical Giftedness Test (NGT-F)
Type: Numerical
Editor's note: The author of NGT-F wishes to remain anonymous.
2. Advanced Spatial Intelligence Test
Type: Spatial, draw the missing figure.
Strengths: A variety of original ideas, no cultural bias, answer sheet available
Weaknesses: Some unnecessarily difficult items
Creator: Paul Laurent
1. Mach
Type: Spatial (draw the missing figure)
Strengths: Unique solutions, fast learning curve, simple schematics, available in many formats, quick response time, no cultural bias, certificate
Creator: Nikolaos Ulysses Soulios
Let's play a little game I like to call "Not Doing Work." It's super fun and pretty easy to learn how to play.
First, you stop doing work. Then, you spend the rest of your day clicking around our endless streams of funny photo galleries. And boom, you're the winner!
I might make a belt buckle out of this sign.
My Pressshhussss.
OK, OK, this is mean. But if we don't tell Stevie about it, he'll never know. See, we've spared his feelings just like that.
No matter what your views are, who wouldn't want to attend the Johnson-Holder gay wedding?
"Mommy, mommy, will you buy me Jocelyn Wildenstein Barbie?!?!?"
Well, almost everyone fits.
This movie wasn't as sad as the dog one.
Huh, so Scooby Doo is real.
Keep it real, Idaho.
But seriously, that is quite an ass on that cow.
This might be the first and only helpful Yahoo Answers of all time.
Click here to see more hilariously NOT helpful Yahoo Answers.
That's my kind of run.
I would like to shotgun eight beers with this woman.
Color coding isn't helpful in Braille.
Someone didn't hurdle hard enough.
Looking good, Middle Earth Man.
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Meth is a terrible drug that destroys lives and ruins families. So let's all laugh at some funny photos about it.
Fries in your nose and bread on your head meth.
Steve Buscemi meth.
Chewbacca baseball meth.
Meth lab dog meth.
Cookie Monster murdering your friends meth.
Deformed Pokemon meth.
You had to be high on meth to make that sign meth.
From Elmo to Animal meth.
Meth and Bibles are a dead end meth.
I thought my asshole was a bottle opener meth.
Those must be some big pants meth.
I don't know how to ride in a car anymore meth.
Meth-doing Spider-Man on meth meth.
Tom Cruise forgets to wear pants meth.
The beauty of the GIF is that you can just sit there staring at the same enjoyable moment in time over and over again until you've gotten all the LOLz out of your system. Then you click on the next one and do the same. That's exactly what this gallery is for, so get to LOLing.
Right now Santa is probably in the latter stages of checking his naughty and nice list.
And it's too late to try to get yourself on the nice list, no matter how nice you try to be these last few days.
So check this year off the list, kick back, and spend your time looking at funny photos instead of bothering with charity or volunteering at soup kitchens.
C'mon Durex, make this ad campaign happen for real.
What goes through every dog's mind.
As if we need more excuses to drink this weekend.
Hey, things happen.
Ice Ice, Baby (the literal version.)
I have a house full of these.
Click here to see more hilarious meth-based photos. (Meth is funny, right?)
Out of bounds is REALLY out of bounds.
Hmmm, this is a pretty difficult test.
Fans of The Princess Bride (and Homeland), this is for you.
That balloon just had to be flesh-colored, didn't it.
The prequel to Master of Puppets.
The Ikea Monkey meme came and went too damn fast. I'm not going to let it die.
If a tie on the door means "don't come in because I'm having sex" I'm guessing a slice of pizza on the door means "Don't come in because I'm trying to eat my way through a shame spiral."
Or, "Don't come in because I have diabetes."
More dolls need to be based around wardrobe malfunctions.
I hope Carlos converts and becomes a Jehovah's Witness.
Well, they are pretty perfect lines.
This might be my son.
Click here to see more hilarious Nailed It memes.
A dog for every season.
When you stop to think about it, Santa's kind of an asshole (aside from all the free gifts and cheer.)
Cheerleaders are the eye-candy of our sporting events, as American as apple pie, but they didn't really start out like that. The first cheerleaders were an all-male pep club at Princeton in the 1880s. The first women cheerleaders appeared in 1923 at the University of Minnesota. Then, as men left to fight in World War II, more women were allowed to cheer, and crowds realized they liked watching them more. But either way, it's no surprise that there is quite an alumnus of cheerleaders. Some names are no-brainers, but many are surprising. Check out a list of people who once donned a cheerleading uniform, but moved on to be successful in much different fields.
Rachel Wray
This blistering blonde and former Kansas City Chiefs cheerleader is our most recent example. Wray made the news last week for ditching her pom poms in favor of padded gloves. Instead of cartwheels, she's now kicking and punching on the MMA fighting circuit. Check out her fighting skills below.
George W. Bush
Yep, the 43rd President of the United States and leader of the free world was once head cheerleader at Phillips Academy. During his time at Yale (1964-1968) he continued to cheer. He's in good company, too. Fellow President Ronald Reagan was a cheerleader at Eureka College (graduating in 1932); Dwight D. Eisenhower was a cheerleader at his Abilene, Kansas high school, and later at West Point in 1912; and Franklin D. Roosevelt cheered for Harvard football in 1904.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Who says being a judge makes you stodgy? Back in the 1940s, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, RBG, was once a cheerleader at James Madison High. Girl's got moves, and not just with a gavel.
Phyllis Smith
This endearing Phyllis from "The Office" used to cheer for the St. Louis Cardinals in the 1970s. She was also - wait for it - a burlesque dancer. But note, the photo of a woman in a red shirt and a large hairdo circulating on the Internet, she says, is not her. Take a look for yourself and decide.
Samuel L. Jackson
This former Jedi, assassin and savior on a flight filled with snakes once cheered at Riverside High in Chattanooga, Tennessee, as well as Morehouse College, an all-male institution. He claims he did it in order to travel with the basketball and football teams so he could meet girls. Nicely done, Mace Windu.
Jimmy Stewart
This iconic "everyman" actor was head cheerleader at Princeton during his junior and senior years. Did an angel earn its wings after every score?
Aaron Spelling
The king of television dramas was head cheerleader at Southern Methodist University, where he graduated in 1949. Maybe he took inspiration from those days. Was "Charlie's Angels" born from watching sexy women perform stunts on a field?
It's hard to understand how this self-described "Guidette," who's not even Italian or from Jersey, ended up on "Jersey Shore" and is now famous, but apparently she does have some talent. In 2006, she was a high school cheerleader in Marlboro, New York, and apparently has some skills. Who knew?
The "Of Course They Were Cheerleaders" Club
Like, duh.
Madonna cheered at Rochester Adams High School; Cameron Diaz cheered while at Long Beach Polytechnic High School; Blake Lively while at Burbank High School; Halle Berry cheered for the Bedford High Bearcats in Bedford, Ohio; Lindsay Lohan at Calhoun High School in Merrick, New York; Olivia Mumm at her Oklahoma high school; and Stacey "Fergie" Ferguson while at Glen A. Wilson High School. There must have been an overabundance of frustrated boys watching from the bleachers.
The Professional Cheerleaders
Not content to rile up just pesky freshmen, all of these now-celebrity ladies were once cheering pros: Sarah Shahi cheered for the Dallas Cowboys, as did ex-"The Bachelor" reject Melissa Rycroft; Stacey Keibler cheered for the Baltimore Ravens before becoming a WWE Diva and George Clooney's arm-ornament; and cheer queen Paula Abdul, who was not only her high school head cheerleader and homecoming queen, but a cheerleader for the Los Angeles Lakers.