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Dale Murphy's Son Tyson Illustrates Why the Hall of Fame Doesn't Matter

It's the holidays, and we could all use a feel-good, heartwarming story like this. Dale Murphy, the former Atlanta Braves slugger and 2-time MVP, is in his 15th and final year of Hall of Fame eligibility, and the odds are he is not going to make it. Seven of Murphy's eight children have been campaigning hard for him this time around, but his son Tyson, the self-admitted black sheep of the family with little sports knowledge and more of an artistic side, doesn't care as much. It's not because he doesn't want his father to make the Hall, but because it can't possibly matter more than his dad always encouraging him growing up. To show this, he drew this cartoon for Dale for Christmas. Begin fighting back tears (Murph).

dale murphy, dale murphy's son, hall of fame


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The Sexiest Photos of Miranda Kerr



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Holiday Cocktails: Kahlúa Cookie Martini

The only thing better than a good drink during the holidays is a good dessert, and with the Kahlúa Cookie Martini you get a nice little dose of both. It's simple and tasty, and a great way to add variety to your holiday cocktail selection.
kahlua cookie martini, holiday cocktails

½ part Kahlúa Limited Edition Gingerbread
1 ½ parts Absolut Vodka


Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker. Add ice and shake. Strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a cinnamon stick and enjoy.


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Holy Gif Collection, Batman


I like to think of the actor who played Robin working on his lines in his trailer:

"Holy Fruit SALAD...no...no, that's not it. HOLY Fruit salad? No, that doesn't work, either. Holy FRUIT Salad! Yes, that's it."

via twerkinbird


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The Best Of Poonanji Marsha On Facebook



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Athletes Who Have Really Let Themselves Go



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Office Bathroom Dos and Don'ts

The office bathroom is one of the worst places on earth. While most decent humans know how to go about their business in public, there's always someone in your work space with absolutely no shame in their game, willing to unleash a bunch of noises you can't un-hear and smells you can't un-smell. Well, we've decided to bring some order to the terrifying experience with this simple list of dos and don'ts of office bathroom etiquette.

office bathroom dos and don'ts


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35 Hilariously Suspicious Quotation Marks



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16 Ways To Find Out If You're A Genius



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Today's Funniest Photos 12-19-12



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5 Crazy Traits You Inherit From Your Family

Hate going to the dentist? Blame your dad. You're more likely to fear the dentist if he freaks your father out, according to researchers at the University of Madrid. They found that kids with dads who didn't like the dentist were twice as likely to be fearful themselves compared to kids with moms who disliked the dentist. (Find out the 12 foods your dentist won't eat.)

That's not the only thing mom and dad passed on. Here are four things your parents are secretly responsible for.

Penis Problems
According to researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, penis size is up to 70 percent heritable--in rams at least. While nobody has studied the pass-down percentage in human men, researchers have studied premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction in identical and non-identical twins. The results? 30 and 42 percent of your risk for premature ejaculation and problems with maintaining your erection are caused by genetics, respectively. Go ahead, blame the big guy for your little man's problems. (And learn 15 facts you didn't know about your penis.)

Athletic Ability
It's not your fault you're not Olympic material. Your VO2 max--aka: your aerobic potential--is up to 83 percent heritable, according to a study published in the journal Physiological and Endocrinological Aspects in Pediatric Exercise Science. The good news: Your muscle strength is only 50 percent heritable. Even if dad isn't built, you can still get ripped. (And turn to these 8 Muscle-Building Foods to help get you there.)

Who You Vote For
Like father like son--at least when it comes to voting. Researchers at the University of California have shown that partisanship is up to 50 percent heritable. They believe the 7R variant of the dopamine receptor gene D4--which only some people have--is responsible. People who carry this gene and have a diverse friend group are likely to be up to four times as liberal (as measured on a four-point scale) than people without the gene.

Mental Health
According to researchers at Stanford University, depression is caused by both environmental and genetic factors--split roughly 50-50. Researchers believe multiple genes that mom and dad pass down are responsible for depression. If you have two short copies of a gene called 5-HTT--a result of both parents having short copies--your body can't produce all of the proteins required to regulate serotonin levels--a neurotransmitter involved with mood. (A mental health screening is one of the top medical exams every man should look into. Click here for other crucial health tests you should never miss.)


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There is No Time to Explain in Many Movies and TV Shows


There is time for a lot of stuff in film and television - action, romance, brief nudity, a few good jokes - but as this supercut shows us, there is rarely time to explain what is happening or going to happen. But there is time to let us know that.


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The Lighter Side of Meth



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Chevy Chase is Wishing You A Very Merry Christmas


If you've ever seen Christmas Vacation (and if you haven't, you're a terrible person) you will recognize this scene where Clark Griswold wishes his CEO overlord's minions a very special kind of merry Christmas. And you will like it.

via tarantinoed.tumblr


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The Week In GIFs - 12-20-12



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Today's Funniest Photos 12-20-12



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Anxious Cat Gets Spooked by the Super Mario Bros. Jump Sound


When this cat owner blares the Super Mario Bros. music out of his stereo speakers, his jump button works just as well on his cat as it does on Mario.


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Elderly Couple Just Can't Say "Flaky"


These hilarious outtakes from a commercial shoot for Dysart's Restaurant in Bangor, ME catch this funny elderly couple having trouble with their lines. Well, one line in particular. Actually, one word in particular. The poor guy just can't remember to say, "flaky." Over and over and over again. The longer it goes on, the more irritable his wife gets before she finally gets the chance to say the line. Things don't go much better with her. Either way, I definitely want a chicken pot pie right now - especially one with a buttery, flaky crust.


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Famous People Who Were Once Cheerleaders



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Man's Sneeze Causes Cat to Completely Demolish Bar


Cats are jittery creatures as is. The last thing you should do when a cat is in a relaxed state is make a sudden movement accompanied by a loud noise. Unfortunately for the owner of this bar, sneezing is a thing. And a single sneeze leads to the destruction of quite a bit of the bar's inventory.


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