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The Wildest Snapchat Stories Of 2015

Now that 2015 only has a few weeks left before it's gone, we thought it would be a good idea to recap some stories involving Snapchat that caught our attention this year. From topless photos accidentally sent to a boss to sex sessions in a football press box, 2015 had plenty of crazy Snapchats for all of us to enjoy. Check them out below.

Woman Accidentally Sends Nude Snapchat to Boss
Craziest Snapchat Stories Of 2015, News
This woman's original plan completely failed when a nude snap that was meant for her partner was accidentally sent to her boss. And boy was her boss salty as hell.

British Model Booted From Snapchat For Too Many Naked Pics
Craziest Snapchat Stories Of 2015, News
Hot British glamour model and stripper Chelsea Ferguson snapped so many nude pictures for her extremely happy followers that Snap decided to give her the boot for "advertising the distribution of pornographic content ... " Isn't that the gist of Snapchat?

College Students Snapchat Their Sex Session From a Football Stadium Press Box
Craziest Snapchat Stories Of 2015, News
A couple decided to celebrate Valentine's Day weekend by sneaking into the football stadium press box at the University of Tennessee. They then proceeded to have sex and snap it to their followers. What a way to celebrate.

Suspicious Guy Pretends to be Girlfriend's Lover on Snapchat to Catch Her Cheating
Craziest Snapchat Stories Of 2015, News
Always make sure the person you're sending snaps too is who you think it is, because this woman didn't and it turned out to be her boyfriend pretending to her love.

You're Going to Crave Donuts After Seeing This Picture of Niykee Heaton
Craziest Snapchat Stories Of 2015, News
Singer/songwriter Niykee Heaton shared a hot picture on Snapchat involving donuts chilling on her goods. Sure, this isn't a crazy story, but it's an excuse to show a hot girl. I'm sure you're OK with that.

Guy Takes Snapchat Selfie With Cop During DUI Test
Craziest Snapchat Stories Of 2015, News
Snapchat isn't all about sending hot naked pictures; it's also for taking a picture with the cop who is giving you a DUI test. This generation is fascinating.

Dad Calls Out Daughter on Facebook After She Shares Naked Snap
Craziest Snapchat Stories Of 2015, News
Yeah, scarfs weren't originally made to be use that way, but this is the better way. Apparently this gal's dad doesn't agree, because when he learned of this picture he decided to share it on Facebook.

Wife Makes Critical Mistake on Snapchat, Gets Caught Cheating
Craziest Snapchat Stories Of 2015, News
If you're sending your husband sexy snaps, make sure the boots of the other guy you're hooking up with aren't in the picture.

Model Reveals the True Meaning Behind Female Snapchats
Craziest Snapchat Stories Of 2015, News
Apparently there is a true meaning behind every snap your gal sends you and the woman above was quick to reveal them all.

Cheating Girlfriend Receives Instant And Brutal Karma on Snapchat
Craziest Snapchat Stories Of 2015, News
It's best not to cheat because chances are you're going to get some sort of karma just like the woman in the snap above did.

#AfterSexSelfies Is the Latest Trend That Will Make You Shake Your Head
Craziest Snapchat Stories Of 2015, News
Taking a selfie after having sex with someone was a thing in 2015. Anything to capture the special moment, folks.

Guy Snapchats His Ordeal From Under His Girl's Bed When Mom Comes Home Early
Craziest Snapchat Stories Of 2015, News
This dude was looking forward to hooking up with a girl and instead ended up under her bed the entire night. Not exactly how things were supposed to go.

Here's to 2016.


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The Most Awkward People To Buy A Gift For

Some people are easy to buy gifts for, while others are a tad more difficult. Then there are those people who you really don't want to shop for but you have to since they did that one nice thing for you that they continue to remind you of, or because you feel forced to buy them something because you've talked to them a few times.

Here's a list of the most awkward people to buy gifts for. Enjoy the holidays!

awkward christmas gift list, funny christmas list

More: An Advent Calendar of Things That Suck About the Holidays


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Your iPhone Will Autocorrect The Word "Lardass" To "Kardashian's"

If you found yourself texting a friend and for some reason chose to use the word "lardass" in your texting adventures, you may have noticed that your iPhone autocorrected the word into something you may be very familiar with.

That's right, the iPhone autocorrects the word "lardass" into the word "Kardashian" which is obviously one of those most famous families on the planet. So it seems iPhones may not have the highest opinion about them.

Apparently, Your iPhone Does Not Think Highly Of The Kardashians

Now we're hesitant to ask Siri how she feels about the Kardashians.


You may have not not this either: If You Didn't Know This About Your iPhone, Go Back To A Flip Phone


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12 Things Your Mom Is Going To Say While You're Home For Christmas

12 Things Your Mom Is Going To Say While You're Home For Christmas
You love your mom. She's a wonderful woman that brought you into the world and cared for you unconditionally with more love than you'll ever receive in your life. However, she can also drive you completely insane when you come home for the holidays. To prepare you for what you're about to experience here are 12 things your mom is going to say while you're home for Christmas.

1. Someone you don't know found out they have cancer.
It's not that you don't care about a person finding out they have cancer, it's just that you don't have an immediate kneejerk reaction when you have no idea who the person is. She'll explain that you should be ashamed of yourself because Helen Thompson was the librarian's assistant at your school in 2nd grade and one time she helped you find a Judy Blume book, so you should definitely remember her.

12 Things Your Mom Is Going To Say While You're Home For Christmas
2. Two people you don't know got a divorce.
Even better than the sickness of a random stranger is your lack of sadness in finding out that two people who you never met that go to her church from time to time are getting a divorce. What are you supposed to do with this information? I truly don't know, but if you don't act sad she'll suggest that you aren't very compassionate anymore. So sorry for your divorce, Rick and Pamela?

3. The computer isn't working
If you ask her what's wrong she'll just say, "I don't know it's just not working." You could ask your dad but he'll just groan and shrug. They either unplugged the monitor and you can fix it in two seconds or they did something so confusing and utterly devastating that the ghost of Steve Jobs couldn't even comprehend what has happened.

4. Her smartphone also isn't working anymore.
Why did you get her an iPhone for her birthday? You know plain and well she's just going to get frustrated and go back to her Nokia flip phone. She doesn't need Shazam or Spotify. Let her live her life.

5. You need to get a haircut.
Unless your sideburns are as short as Don Mattingly in that Simpsons' episode, your mom is going to complain about the length of your hair. Every mom wants you to look like you just enlisted in basic training. Shaggy hair is mom kryptonite.

12 Things Your Mom Is Going To Say While You're Home For Christmas
6. Whatever happened to (an ex you broke up with two years ago)?
This one is particularly wonderful when she brings it up in front of your current girlfriend or boyfriend. It's basically your mom sizing up your new love interest, not approving, then peeing on you to mark her territory. If you're really lucky she'll still have an 8x10 of you and your ex hanging in the dining room so you guys can stare at it through the entire meal.

12 Things Your Mom Is Going To Say While You're Home For Christmas
7. She had an uninteresting encounter with a cashier at CVS and she's going to tell you about it for 20 minutes.
What basically happened was the cashier pressed the credit button instead of the debit button and she had to do the transaction all over, but to your mom it's the next great American novel and you'll get every excruciating detail of her paper towel and aluminum foil purchase.

8. She ignored all of your movie recommendations and watched something terrible instead.
You've recommended at least 50 wonderful movies you know she and your father would love, but did they watch them? Of course not. Instead they went to Red Box and rented a romantic comedy starring Jim Caviezel. Not even Jim Caviezel's family saw it, but rest assured your parents did. She still hasn't seen Gladiator, but she's all on that Red Box Jim Caviezel list.

9. She heard about something questionable on your Facebook.
She doesn't have a Facebook, but your stupid Aunt Katherine mentioned to her that there was a photo you were tagged in where it looked like you had been drinking. Were you drinking and driving? Do you think that's cool? Why are you bragging online about doing something illegal? What kind of friends do you have on there that think this is cool? (You weren't drunk, you just blinked during the picture, but she'll never believe that.)

12 Things Your Mom Is Going To Say While You're Home For Christmas
10. She's thinking about making a Facebook of her own.
Pray this never happens. Pray.

11. Here's why your racist uncle isn't really racist.
You all know your Uncle Chris is insanely racist. He doesn't try to hide it at all. He's the worst. But he's family and therefore your mom will defend him until the day he dies. He could burn a cross in the yard and wear a white hood to dinner and your mom would still say, "Well that's just how he is."

12 Things Your Mom Is Going To Say While You're Home For Christmas
12. You need to call your grandma.
How often are you calling your grandparents? It's not enough. Even if your grandma hated you and was mean to you your whole life, your mom will still insist that "she's just old" and you need to spend more time with her. Now you know where your racist Uncle Chris got it from. Just call her and get it over with. And if you forget just tell your mom your grandma's getting old and forgetful. You won't feel good inside but at least she won't be mad at you.


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Bella Hadid Got Super Hot For A Love Magazine Shoot

The Love Magazine has been featuring the hottest supermodels for their advent calendar, and day 15 belongs to model Bella Hadid.

Bella got dressed in everything from a Wonder Woman costume to a hot maid outfit while photographer Dough Inglish shot her for Love. Check out some pics from the shoot below:

My 2nd #loveadvent out today! Day 15 on @thelovemagazine by @douginglish wonder woman!

A photo posted by Bella Hadid (@bellahadid) on

And here's a quick vid of Bella spinning around and looking sexy because sometimes we need these small pleasures in life:

It's Wonderwoman with Bells !! @bellahadid #loveadvent @douginglish @boucheron @bitton 🔫🔫🔫🔫

A video posted by LOVE MAGAZINE (@thelovemagazine) on

h/t NY Daily News

She also got hot for GQ: This Bella Hadid Photoshoot Puts Her Sexiest Assets On Display


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Behold, 'Darth Trump': The Farce Awakens

This Is How Your Friends React When You Finally Get Laid

After all those friendship bracelets, special high fives and inside jokes, the true test of a friendship is how you act when your friend finally gets laid. You know you were rooting for them all along and when they finally do the deed it's enough to bring tears to your eyes.

It probably looks something like this: Facebook

Posted by Viral Thread Video on Tuesday, December 15, 2015

I never thought "Lord of the Rings" and getting laid would ever be said in the same sentence but miracles do happen.


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Belgian Ice Rink Blasts Uncensored Rage Against The Machine While Kids Skate With Parents


Nothing says "tis the season" quite like a fun night of ice skating with your children in the medieval main square of Bruges, Belgium, with horses and carts plodding by on the cobbled streets surrounded by buildings and trees lit so well that it looks like a goddamn Christmas card.

And if the sights alone aren't enough to create one of those rare perfect moments, the holiday classics blasting through the speakers should do the trick. Or in this case, an uncensored version of Rage Against The Machine's "Killing In the Name":

No word if the DJ followed that gem up with some 2 Live Crew, but even if he did, it looked as though that crowd wouldn't have cared.

h/t BroBible

Here's the children's book equivalent to what we just saw: Extremely Graphic Kids Book From 1975 Tells The Story Of How A Baby Is Made


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Dairy Queen Worker With Herpes Arrested After Spitting On Cop's Burger

Well, thank Christ the cop didn't order a chocolate sundae.

According to the New York Post, a 21-year-old man working at a Dairy Queen in Baton Rouge, LA, was immediately terminated by the "restaurant" and arrested by police on Sunday after a lieutenant ordered a burger and noticed there was a clear substance resembling saliva on his bun.

Dairy Queen worker spits on cop's burger

When the lieutenant and Dairy Queen manager reviewed surveillance footage, they saw Elijah Johnson grab a hamburger bun off the rack and attempt to move out of view of the camera. When he thought he was in a safe zone, Johnson brought the bun up to his mouth and then walked back to the burger station where he placed it on top of the rest of the burger.

Johnson was arrested for mingling harmful substances and later admitted to officers that he was suffering from several diseases, including herpes. After hearing that, the lieutenant must have been beyond relieved that he looked at his burger before eating it.

Also relieved that Johnson was busted? You guessed it: The kid who was jamming fries up his ass last week.

On second thought, I will have that burger that turns my shit green instead: Burger King's New Black Whopper Is Turning Everyone's Poop Green


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Texas Plumber Suing Car Dealership After His Old Truck Ends Up With ISIS

You've no doubt heard the phrase "there is no such thing as bad publicity" before, as it's often attached to stories about Lindsay Lohan.

Well, one Texas plumber would beg to differ.

According to The New York Times, the owner of Mark-1 Plumbing filed a lawsuit against a Houston car dealership last week after the truck he traded in two years ago somehow wound up in the hands of ISIS and on the front lines in Syria.

Texas plumber sues car dealership after his truck ends up with ISIS
Mark Oberholtzer claims his son attempted to peel the company's decal off the truck when the pair traded in his 2005 Ford F-250 for a newer model in October 2013, but an AutoNation Ford Gulf Freeway salesman told him to stop because it would harm the paint. The same salesman also allegedly assured Oberholtzer it would be removed later.

That obviously didn't happen. AutoNation sold the truck "as is" at an auction, and it made one stop in Turkey before making its way to Syria.

Now Oberholtzer is seeking more than $1 million in damages from the dealership because he has lost business and received hundreds of threats from people who think he supports ISIS. And it probably didn't help matters when he and his old truck wound up on "The Colbert Report."
We'll assume Oberholtzer is more of a Fallon guy these days.

Not exactly the publicity Drake was looking for: Everyone Thinks This ISIS Member Looks Like Drake


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This Dog Knows Good Vibrations When He Hears Them


It's hard to stifle the urge to boogie when Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch's "Good Vibrations" comes on. And apparently that's a basic instinct that translates to the animal kingdom as well. But don't take our word for it. Simply play the video above and laugh your ass off as you watch a friendly pooch throw his inhibitions to the wind and shake all he's got to the beat of early '90s nostalgia.

Related: Labradoodle Goes Crazy When 'Wonderful Tonight' Plays


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Today's Funny Photos

You guys, we're almost halfway through the workweek. And then next week is Christmas, and then the week after that is New Year's Eve, and then it's 2016. So basically what I am saying is you only have a few days left to get your shit together for the year. But before you do that, take a quick breather and laugh at these funnies. Oh, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram, too.

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
She looks way too proud to be wearing that.

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
LOL. Good one, Mom!

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
Yoda is not quite ready for the new "Star Wars" film to premiere yet.

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
This kid's going places.

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
This is what they call nailing the job interview.

More: Yesterday's Funny Photos

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
Grandpa made the most of it.

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
[Insert Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor grunt here.]

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
This looks way more attainable for everyone than a positive Netflix and Chill experience.

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
I'd actually prefer this life in 2016, please.

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
But I still envy this cat.

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
Best or worst family Christmas card of the year?

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
One of our writers has a neighbor who WAS a Domino's delivery guy.

More: Yesterday's Funny Photos

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
Poor floss.

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
This is way more terrifying than the whole red cups controversy.

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
And this is even more terrifying than that!

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
Classic Ricky.

funny photos, funny pics, funny daily photos
Amen to that.

More: Yesterday's Funny Photos


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The Most Super Duper Supergroups Formed In Rock History

It's never enough to just have great music endlessly at our fingertips when we could have the best of the best getting together and blowing our minds. Like the all-star teams of music, we give you the most super duper supergroups formed in rock history. Like, super duper.

Velvet Revolver
The Most Super Duper Supergroups Formed in Music
We'll lead off with the relevant rockers of Velvet Revolver, a hard rock supergroup who won a lot of us over at a young age but recently lost their leading man, Scott Weiland, of Stone Temple Pilots. Formed in 2002 with Guns 'N Roses guitarist, Slash, and his bandmates Duff McKagan and Matt Sorum, along with Wasted Youth's Dave Kushner, Velvet Revolver crafted a hit debut with "Contraband" in 2004. Their single "Slither" won a Grammy for Best Hard Rock Performance. Weiland left the band in 2008, only to return in 2012 for a one-off performance.

The Most Super Duper Supergroups Formed in Music
One of the many Eric Clapton inventions, Cream was one of the first supergroups in rock history. Immediately after his start with the John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers in 1965, Clapton jumped into Cream head first in '66 with Ginger Baker and Jack Bruce (formerly of The Bluesbreakers). The band broke up in the late '60s after its fourth album, "Goodbye," but not without eventually being inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame for its conception and songs like "White Room" and "Sunshine of Your Love."

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (CSNY)
The Most Super Duper Supergroups Formed in Music
One of the eldest and still working groups of super would be the four-man band of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. David Crosby (previously of The Byrds), Stephen Stills (previously of Buffalo Springfield) and Graham Nash (previously of The Hollies) started the group when they gelled at a party at Joni Mitchell's house in 1968. Occasionally they're joined by their fourth, Neil Young, who still flies solo successfully, but after a dust-up in 2013, Young announced they were done touring together. The band is known for record great "Dèjá Vu."

Them Crooked Vultures
The Most Super Duper Supergroups Formed in Music
As if Dave Growl hasn't had his fair share of kicks, he managed to get his chops back on the sticks with a three-man supergroup, Them Crooked Vultures, a one-off self-titled album featuring John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin) and Josh Homme (Queens of the Stone Age). Formed in 2009 and touring into 2010, the band pulled together a nice Grammy for Best Hard Rock Performance in 2011 for their debut single, "New Fang." From there, Growl returned to his Foo Fighters, but a reunion is not out the question according to the former Nirvana drummer.

Monsters of Folk
The Most Super Duper Supergroups Formed in Music
The name, however ironic for folk music, is fairly accurate as well in its ability to bring together some of the biggest folk songwriters: Jim James My Morning Jacket, Conor Oberst and Mike Mogis (Bright Eyes) and half of one of the greatest rock collaborations, M. Ward. Despite their formation in 2004, the band never got around to finishing a full-length debut until 2009 due to their respective projects. After a successful debut with singles "Dear God" and "Say Please," folks are looking forward to the return of these folk monsters.

Atoms for Peace
The Most Super Duper Supergroups Formed in Music
Two of the most uniquely talented mainstream artists, Thom Yorke of Radiohead and Flea of Red Hot Chili Peppers gathered as one of greatest music collaborations before Yorke brought on his longtime producer, Nigel Godrich, and Joey Waronker of Beck and Mauro Refosco of Forro in the Dark. After banding together in 2009, they released their first album, "Amok," in 2013, a follow-up to Yorke, a lead man successfully going solo in 2006. But now Radiohead is back in the sack, as is the Chili Peppers, so the supergroup has been suspended for the time being.

The Postal Service
The Most Super Duper Supergroups Formed in Music
The Death Cab for Cutie singer, Ben Gibbard, has spun his wheels in a few bands, his first being the 2001 indie supergroup with the held-high one-off record people have begged for more of: The Postal Service. The invention of the band with Jimmy Tamborello (Headset) and Jenny Lewis (Rilo Kiley) came in Seattle just a few years after Death Cab. Despite their 2003 debut "Give Up" being more than a decade old, designs for a reunion amongst its fans remain strong. They did get a taste at Coachella 2013.

The Traveling Wilburys
The Most Super Duper Supergroups Formed in Music
The mix of Tom Petty, Bob Dylan and George Harrison in a time of their peak performance may seem like a musical wet dream to many, and it is, each taking on new aliases with the last name Wilbury. With two additional members, the group formed in 1988 in Dylan's Malibu studio and comprised two albums. The supergroup began right after Harrison's "Cloud Nine" and ended about a year after the death of Roy Orbison in 1990. They won a Grammy for Best Rock Performance by a Duo in 1989, but they collaborated with one another on several solo projects outside of The Traveling Wilburys.

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
The Most Super Duper Supergroups Formed in Music
One of the best things about supergroups is their ability to change super members and evolve over time, and so is the case for Nick Cave's Bad Seeds. Consisting of longtime collaborators, Cave initially brought on Mick Harvey and Blix Bargeld in 1983 before switching the lineup across the groups 15-album cycle in its three-decade existence.

The Raconteurs
The Most Super Duper Supergroups Formed in Music
Jack White has also formed a number of musical projects, one of the best and also short-lived being his Raconteurs in 2005. Comprised of Brendan Benson, another successfully solo singer, Jack Lawrence and Patrick Keeler, both of The Greenhornes. With a successful debut in 2006 with "Steady As She Goes" off of "Broken Boy Soldiers," the band managed a follow-up album in 2008 before going on hiatus. Benson claims each member is currently a little busy for a reunion, but that it's not out of the question.

Related: 10 Of The Most Infamous Music Rivalries


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The Hottest Women Of 2015

Ladies: we love them more and more with every year that goes by. 2015 was a pretty great time period for the fairer sex, with lovely lasses from all over the world making their mark. Narrowing them down to a mere ten was a nigh-impossible task, but with the help of some of the world's most powerful computers and a battery of data the size of a dozen phone books, we pulled it off. Here are Mandatory's picks for the hottest women of 2015.

The Hottest Weatherwoman Of 2015: Yanet Garcia
The Hottest Girls of 2015, Yanet Garcia
Step aside, Al Roker. The world has spoken, and we overwhelmingly prefer hot girls delivering our forecasts. 2015 saw an unlikely weather hottie spring into the public consciousness from south of the border. Yanet Garcia is the on-air forecaster for Mexico's Televisa Monterrey, and in June a video of her just doing her job went insanely viral, racking up millions of hits. For good reason! Garcia packs her perfect figure into skin-tight dresses while she points at clouds. After Americans discovered her, she gained nearly half a million Instagram followers in two weeks.

The Hottest Funny Girl Of 2015: Ilana Glazer
The Hottest Girls of 2015
Comedy Central has been on fire with original programming in the last few years - the days of dismal sketch shows seem to be over. One of their biggest breakthrough hits is Broad City, a filthy, hilarious look at New York that makes Girls look like Gilmore Girls. As a fictionalized version of herself, Ilana smokes flabbergasting amounts of weed, slacks off at her job and has ridiculous casual sex - sometimes over webcam. They say laughter is the world's strongest aphrodisiac, and I'm inclined to believe them.

The Hottest Model Of 2015: Jourdan Dunn
The Hottest Girls of 2015
We've been admirers of British model Jourdan Dunn for some time, and 2015 was a spectacular year for the beauty. In addition to raising her son Riley as a single mother, she was voted the Model of the Year at the British Fashion Awards. The reason we chose her as the hottest model of the year is because she dared to bite the hand of one of the most powerful forces in the hot girl universe, publicly criticizing the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. Jourdan had donned lingerie for the event in the past, but passed this year and had some harsh words for the company. We like a girl who's not afraid to speak her mind.

The Hottest Female Athlete Of 2015: Maria Kirilenko
The Hottest Girls of 2015
What is it about tennis that draws hotties? On a percentage basis, the sport seems to have a fairly significant ratio of sexy girls. Sorting through all of them took some time, but for our money the most beautifil girl in the racket is Russian-born Maria Kirilenko. Starting her pro career as one of the youngest winners of the US Open juniors tournament of all time, Kirilenko was tapped in 2006 to be the face of Adidas's Stella McCartney tennis line. 2015 saw her have a baby, but the pregnancy doesn't seem to have done her whip-tight body any real harm and we'll see how she plays when she's back on the court.

The Hottest Instagram Girl Of 2015: Tianna Gregory
The Hottest Girls of 2015
What did we do in the dark ages before Instagram? It's almost like we had to go searching for gorgeous women under rocks or something. Now, though, they use their cell phones to snap absurdly hot selfies and beam them right to us. Picking the single hottest girl on Instagram right now is a fool's errand, and our choice would probably change every single day, so let's just go with the bodacious Tianna Gregory. This Los Angeles model has appeared in Jason Derulo videos and shown off clothes for Adidas and The Hundreds, but it's social media that made her the star she is today.

The Hottest Superheroine Of 2015: Gal Gadot
The Hottest Girls of 2015, Gal Gadot
Okay, sure, Gal Gadot doesn't make her big-screen debut as Wonder Woman until next year, but the Israel-born actress is already making waves. Unlike other actresses, Gadot has seen action in real life, serving two years in the Israel Defense Forces. In 2004, she won the title of Miss Israel, and competed in the Miss Universe pageant. Her American acting career started with the role of Gisele 2009's Fast & Furious and she's been appearing in the franchise's outings since, as well as modeling. Oh, and she loves to ride motorcycles for extra cool points.

The Hottest Worldchanger Of 2015: Emma Watson
The Hottest Girls of 2015
When you get famous, a lot of power comes with it. Most celebrities use that power to make their own lives better, but Harry Potter starlet Emma Watson spent the year working to improve the situations of women all over the globe. She started the year giving a speech about gender equality at the World Economic Forum's annual winter summit, and carried her message through the entire year. If you're old enough to remember the Web sites that counted the days until Hermione was legally beddable, you're probably loving the spectacular woman that Watson has grown into.

The Hottest Female Wrestler Of 2015: Sasha Banks
The Hottest Girls of 2015, Sasha Banks
It was an interesting year for fans of female professional wrestling. Long the domain of lonely perverts spanking it to chicks rolling around on the canvas, the "Divas Revolution" brought a new group of athletic, charismatic women to the squared circle. Far and away the breakout star of the group is Sasha Banks, who struts to the ring in Kanye stunna shades with all the attitude of a wrestling legend like "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. Whether she's kicking ass in the ring or cutting unforgettable promos on Instagram, Banks is straight up money. Sure, she lost the NXT title, but we expect 2016 to be when she takes her place at the top of the mountain with the big pink belt.

The Hottest MILF Of 2015: Blake Lively
The Hottest Girls of 2015, Blake Lively
The former Gossip Girl starlet got snagged by Ryan Reynolds in 2010 and the duo have settled into domestic bliss in upstate New York. Lively spent most of last year pregnant before giving birth to her daughter James (yes, James is a girl's name now, get over it) in December. 2015 was the year of the rebound, with Lively whipping her body back into pre-pregnancy shape and showing it off in November when paparrazi caught her in a bikini while filming The Shallows in Australia. Sure, her lifestyle magazine might not have caught on, but the world doesn't need another Goop.

The Hottest Girl From Out Of Nowhere Of 2015: Cindy Kimberly
The Hottest Girls of 2015, Cindy Kimberly
What's the best way to become a sex symbol to millions of people? Have Justin Bieber get a crush on you. In December, Bieber shared a selfie of a mystery girl with the caption "OMG who is this?" His fan base went to work and eventually tracked the pic back to an Instagram account by the name of @WolfieCindy, belonging to a young woman named Cindy Kimberly. The full-lipped beauty bears some resemblance to Bieber's ex Selena Gomez, so that might be why he was attracted to her, but the young Spanish lass is her own woman, and we expect big things from her in 2016.

Related: The 20 Sexiest Girls To Follow On Snapchat


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10 Japanese Odd Jobs That Are Seriously Out There

Japan is weird. This has been common knowledge in the West for some time now. From game shows to pornography to blackface, the oddities are seemingly endless. That extends to occupations, too. If you're down on your luck here in America, know that fabulous career opportunities exist on that awkward little island off the coast of China.

Handsome Weeping Boy
japanese odd jobs, strange japanese professions, handsome weeping boy
We've all witnessed that young female coworker in her cubicle crying. Perhaps she saw a Nicholas Sparks movie or became ultra-jealous after seeing her friend on Facebook get a way cooler gift from her boyfriend than she did. Either way, Japan's Ikemeso Danshi offers Handsome Weeping Boys to come and wipe your tears away for you. Since around 45 percent of women aged 16 to 24 in Japan are "not interested in or despise sexual contact," this could fill the void. Handsome Weeping Boys cost 7,900 yen an hour (roughly $65) and will even watch sad videos with you until your tears are flowing. He then wipes them and comforts you.

Genitalia Censorer
japanese odd jobs, strange japanese professions, genitalia censorer
If you're a red-blooded, porn-devouring American, you've probably noticed that little blur in Japanese porn. Considering how many vaginas there are in Japan, this must take a lot of work. Although Genitalia Censorer is not a common title -- as people in "the biz" tend to blur the naughty parts themselves -- there have been job postings calling for a diligent, disciplined Genitalia Censorer. And at 750 yen an hour (six bucks), who could resist sending in their resume?

Professional Cuddler
japanese odd jobs, strange japanese professions, professional cuddler
Japan's first sleep together shop, Soineya, literally translates to "sleep together shop." Customers pay big bucks to sleep in the arms of a female. At around 50 bucks an hour (with a standard $25 entry fee), they receive the "simple and ultimate comfort of sleeping together with someone." It's a very lonely country.

Pushers AKA "Sardine Packers"
japanese odd jobs, strange japanese professions, pushers sardine packers
You've probably seen the video showing hordes of Japanese businesspeople trying to squeeze onto a crowded train. This daily massive flood of worker bees requires special treatment, or to be exact, pushers. Donning white gloves and hats, pushers are employed to literally pack commuters onto trains. Oshiya, as they're called in Japan, once existed in the United States but quickly gained a bad reputation as "sardine packers." The occupation was deemed obsolete out of shame. I speculate that Japan's declining birth rate (hitting a record low in 2014) might be a good thing.

Boyfriend Rental (Rentaru Kareshi)
japanese odd jobs, strange japanese professions, boyfriend rental
Kissing and sex are out of the question, but you can hold hands and hug. Rentaru Kareshi allows ladies to rent boyfriends. The company itself stated, "forty percent of those who rent boyfriends are housewives" and 50 percent are repeat customers. Japan is apparently very into simulated relationships.

Chicken Sexer
japanese odd jobs, strange japanese professions, chicken sexer
Though this odd job is not exclusive to Japan, it's where the method originated. The job involves checking to see if a chick has a mule or a vagina. Each sex requires different needs, including diet, and most males are killed, which is quite sexist if I do say so myself.

Medical Sex Worker
japanese odd jobs, strange japanese professions, medical sex worker
It's called a prostitute in America, but in Japan the business is known as "White Hands." I sense a double-entendre. Can someone help me out there? Anyway, sometimes people with cerebral palsy or incurable paralysis need a helping hand. And can you blame them? Medical sex workers tug on their heart strings until they're happy as a clam.

Banishment Room "Worker"
japanese odd jobs, strange japanese professions, banishment room worker
Just like in America, Japanese companies often run into the dilemma of having an incompetent employee and a low budget. But unlike us, they look for ways around exorbitant severance pay. So they banish these workers into "boredom rooms." By giving them menial work, or no work at all, the business expects the employee to become so sad and emasculated that they leave. Even Sony and Panasonic have these rooms. One Sony employee whose exploits were profiled in the New York Times says his day involved "reading newspapers, browsing the Web, and reading engineering textbooks from his college days." Sounds like the average American office worker to me.

Professional Sorry-Sayer
japanese odd jobs, strange japanese professions, professional sorry sayer
Saying sorry is hard. But in Japan, you don't have to. Shazaiya Aiga Pro charges $240 for a face-to-face apology and $96 for an email or phone apology. One might question the ability of the guilty party to learn a lesson from their wrongs by letting someone else take the heat, but whatever works.

Fake Wedding Guest
japanese odd jobs, strange japanese professions, fake wedding guest
If you've ever seen "I Love You Man," you know that for some people, friends are few and far between. Potential brides and grooms sometimes become anxious that they don't have enough friends to fill the roles of a traditional wedding. Enter Office Agents, a company that charges $200 per fake wedding guest. Throw in $100 extra and the guests will give a speech ($50 more and he'll dance). CEO Hiroshi Mizutani says, "We'll attend the wedding as your friend instead of your friend." Clients have even asked for a fake boss if they've recently been fired. "People are proud and they don't want to tell their partner that they do not have many friends."

Awesome! Time to propose...


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Massive Huntsman Spider Found In Australian Home Reminds Everyone To Keep Flamethrower Nearby

I would like to know why all the world's most terrifying spiders have decided to hang out in Australia. I'd also like to know why there are some people OK living there even after seeing this photo of a Huntsman spider in an Australian home.

This photo, first posted on Reddit, was taken in Australia and it shows a Huntsman spider hiding behind a door, although it's hard not to be detected when you're that size.

This Massive Huntsman Spider Was Found In An Australian Home
A bite from one of these things isn't toxic to humans, but that still doesn't mean I'm not going to move if I ever spot one where I live.

A spider expert (that sounds like the worst career move ever) actually confirmed that the spider in the photo is indeed a Huntsman spider just in case there are any spider experts reading this while gently petting a spider.

If you ever see one of these in your house this is probably the smartest thing to do:

This Massive Huntsman Spider Was Found In An Australian Home
h/t The Sun

This woman has the right idea: Kansas Woman Sets Home On Fire While Trying To Kill Spider


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This Martial Arts Demo Is The Saddest Thing You'll See

If you're going to stand in front of a bunch of people and perform a martial arts demonstration, it's probably best that you do it correctly and don't injure a kid in the process.

Here we have a martial arts demo taking place in Scotland and something tells me that this guy saw a few too many Jean-Claude Van Damme movies and just assumed he could do the same. Aside from numerous failed attempts to break a board, he also injures a little girl and hurts some guy's hand. All in the name of board breaking.

The guy below was much more convincing I think.

This Martial Arts Demo Is The Saddest Thing You'll See
h/t Ebaums World

This guy needs some martial arts classes, ASAP: Man Totally Whiffs With Sucker Punch In Epic Cheap Shot Fail


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Woman And Her Boss's Chill Baby Had A Fantastic Time At The Office Christmas Party

Office holiday parties are easy to get through if you spend most of your time near the liquor where you can quietly criticize anyone who isn't within earshot. But when none of that is an option, it's best to find your boss's baby and just chill with him.

The woman below hung out with her boss's baby at their Christmas party and it was clearly a fantastic time judging by this super chilled-out baby's reaction.

We all should aim to be just like that baby -- assess the situation, realize all is well and just get back to livin'.

h/t Someecards

This baby needs to chill out: Baby Projectile Vomits On Grandpa After He Bounces Her A Little Too Much


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Ohio Guy Tries To Rob Gas Station, Gets Ass Kicked By Employees And Customers

This guy probably didn't know he was walking straight into a WWE match.

Jeremy Sherbrook just wanted to enter a Findlay gas station, take all the cash and leave. That was his plan. But the 29-year-old's plan went to shit when the employees and some customers didn't make it easy for him at all. Instead, they just beat his ass.

Take a look at a robbery gone very, very wrong:

The incident occurred just after midnight as Sherbrook walked in with some wire cutters and demanded money. He probably should have come better equipped because he did not fare well in this bout.

Ohio Guy Tries To Rob Gas Station, Gets Ass Kicked By Employees And Customers
Employees and customers involved were able to hold Sherbrook down until police arrived and arrested him. This isn't Sherbrook's first robbery as he had robbed two other businesses a few weeks earlier.

Now let's give it up for that fantastic spear at the end. Someone add some WWE commentary to this video because I'm not savvy enough.

Via Tuscan News

Well that won't do his rep any favors: Robbery Attempt Thwarted By Robber's Mother


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