Today's Funny Photos
Hello, hello. It's Friday. So let's party. Today's funny photos are here to keep you ROFLing until happy hour. Then, you're on your own to have some fun. We're sure you'll find something good to do...
View ArticleThis Week's 20 Funniest Tweets
Another week, another batch of the most hilarious tweets, compiled just for you. Be sure to follow these guys and gals, and check back here every week for more jokes you can tell your friends and...
View ArticleCrappy Celebrity Books That Never Should Have Been Written
Let's face it, when you see a book written by a celebrity, you're not expecting the Great American novel. Many times we wonder how or why did it even get published in the first place, since more than...
View ArticleThe Most Asshole Things You Could Possibly Do, Vol. 2
Sigh, humans. In a world where drunk bros sucker punch Uber drivers, you gotta compile all the blatant WTF-ery into another "Most Asshole Things You Could Possibly Do" list. This is Asshole-ism, Part...
View ArticleGuy Makes 'Selfie Arms' Because That's Less Embarrassing Than Selfie Sticks
I'm still trying to figure out how the selfie stick idea was pitched with a straight face. Even more confusing is how popular those things are. And while everyone who walks around with one looks...
View ArticleTwo Porn Stars Go Topless In New York City To Free The Nipple
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View Article17 People On Their Uncomfortable Experiences Meeting A Celebrity
For the sake of acknowledging reality, it should be noted that people lie on the Internet. But this roundup of Reddit stories regarding regular folks meeting celebrities are still the most...
View ArticleMiley Cyrus Goes Topless Again, Showcases Her Newest 'Outfit' (NSFW Because...
Now that everyone and their neighbor has seen Miley Cyrus' goods, she thought it would be a good idea to kickoff her "Miley Cyrus and Her Dead Petz Tour" in Chicago in the best way she knows how:...
View ArticleThe Poopercut: Classic Movie Quotes Made Crappy
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View Article15 People Everyone In The World Definitely Hates
There are some people that aren't for everyone, but there are others that absolutely no one in the world likes. They're the canker sores of society and must be stopped. If you're one of them, it's not...
View ArticleThis Is What Happens When An E-Cigarette Blows Up In Your Face
There are some people who think puffing on an e-cigarette is so awesome that they're doing so even though they weren't burning real heaters before the electronic versions hit the shelves. But this...
View ArticleThese Noise Cancelling Headphones May Work A Little Too Well
It's almost always wise to try and look on the bright side of any bad situation, but the following Amazon review may have taken that credo to the extreme. We wouldn't want to spoil the surprise here,...
View ArticleThis Russian Girl May Have Just Out-Twerked Them All
Yes, I know that when I look at videos of hot girls twerking at work it's difficult not to look like the guy at the subway who just happens to enjoy staring at you as he keeps his hands in his pockets....
View ArticleWeird News: A Soccer Player Ran Onto The Field And Tried To Attack A Referee...
From what I've heard, there are many gay porno flicks that share the same premise. According to Mirror, a recent soccer match in Spain took a turn for worse when a player who was already suspended for...
View ArticleWeird News: Construction Worker Dies After Slipping On His Own Barf And...
When your wife asks you at the dinner table tonight how your workday was, no matter what happened to you, your answer will easily fall into the "Better than this guy's" category. According to BroBible,...
View ArticleNatalie Roser Knows How To Work Both Sides Of The Camera
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View Article12 Actors We Think Would Make The Next Great James Bond
With Daniel Craig on the way out after his explosive performance in the fall film "Spectre," folks are beginning to get curious as to who the next 007 will be. Though another Bond flick isn't slated...
View ArticleThe Scariest Clowns In The World
In the list of unexplained fears, coulrophobia -- fear of clowns -- is one of the strangest, yet it's incredibly common. Some children will burst into tears and tremble when faced with one. Many clowns...
View Article13 Types Of People You Get Matched With On Tinder
Tinder is a garbage-ridden cesspool. And, yes, I know many of us have that ONE friend that met a great guy or girl on there, but everyone else is just using it to distract from the infinite sorrow deep...
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